WAS v8.5 > Develop applications > Develop SCA composites > Specify bindings in an SCA environmentUse HTTP bindings in SCA applications
We can use an HTTP binding with a wire format of JSON-RPC in a SCA application to expose services to remote web browser clients. JSON-RPC is a remote procedure call (RPC) protocol encoded in the JSON format. Use the HTTP binding to expose SCA services for consumption by remote web clients. This topic describes how to expose a Java implementation as a service to be consumed by a browser client using native Dojo interfaces and RPC libraries.
To use native SCA references in JavaScript code, see the topic on using Widget implementation in JavaScript with HTTP bindings.
- Configure the Java service in an SCA composite definition.
Expose a Java service over the HTTP binding in the composite definition; for example:
<composite> <service name="EchoService" promote="EchoComponent"> <interface.java interface="echo.Echo"/> <tuscany:binding.http uri="/EchoService"/> <tuscany:wireFormat.jsonrpc/> </tuscany:binding.http> </service> <component name="EchoComponent"> <implementation.java class="echo.EchoComponentImpl"/> </component> </composite>This example exposes the methods defined in the echo.Echo interface to web browser clients. The echo.EchoComponentImpl class implements the Echo interface and provides the implementation for the component. The service is exposed on the "/EchoService" relative uniform resource identifier (URI).
The example HTTP binding URI, /EchoService, is a relative URI. To run applications that use an HTTP binding in product clusters, specify a relative URI. We cannot run applications in product clusters if the binding specifies an absolute URI, such as http://localhost:9080/newsService.
- Access the service from a web browser.
For example, to access the EchoService service, use the Dojo toolkit application programming interfaces in an HTML file or JSP file to access the service available at /EchoService:
<html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"> <title>Echo...</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="./dojo/dojo.js"></script> <script> dojo.require("dojo.io.script") dojo.require("dojo.rpc.RpcService") dojo.require("dojo.rpc.JsonService") dojo.require("dojo.rpc.JsonpService") function filladdr(){ var nameElement=document.getElementById("name"); var name=nameElement.value; var echo = new dojo.rpc.JsonService("/EchoService?smd"); echo.echo(name).addCallback(fillmsg); } function fillmsg(result){ var line=document.getElementById("line1"); line.value=result; } </script> </head> <body> Enter a string: <inputtext"> <input type="submit" value="Echo String" onClick="filladdr()"><br> <p>Echo </p><inputtext" size="50"><br><br> </body> </html>The URI passed into the dojo.rpc.JsonService constructor "/EchoService?smd" contains the query string "smd" on the end of the URI specified in the <binding.http> definition in the composite. The query string "smd" on the end of the URI is required when using Dojo clients.
The HTML output for the example output shows two text boxes and a "submit" button. When a user enters text in the first box and clicks the submit button, the following steps take place:
- The JavaScript code in the filladdr() method obtains the value that was entered in the first text box.
- The filladdr() method instantiates a dojo.rpc.JsonService object pointed to the URI "/EchoService?smd".
- The JavaScript code runs the "echo(String)" method on the JsonService object, causing a JSON-RPC request to be sent to "/EchoService?smd".
- The SCA run time handles the URI request by running the EchoComponentImpl.echo(String) method. The result is returned to the client as an HTTP response.
- The web client runs the designated callback method, "fillmsg(result)", with the value returned from the service.
- The JavaScript code in the fillmsg(result) method updates the second text box to contain the text returned from the service invocation.
Consider the supported data types for the JSON conversion. Parameters for JSON-RPC requests are sent to the server in JSON format, and must be transformed by the SCA run time for use in the Java implementation. The response to the client is also in JSON format, so the SCA run time converts the value returned from the EchoComponentImpl.echo() method back into JSON. For example, echo("Testing...") might submit the following data to the server:
The Java method EchoComponentImpl.echo(String message) is invoked with the String parameter "Testing..." and returns the String object "echo: Testing...". The JSON response returned to the web client might look like:
{"id":1,"result":"echo: Testing..."}
Supported data types for JSON conversions. Conversion enables the Web client and Java implementation to use the data.
Data type Primitive Type <==> JSON <==> Primitive Type Array of Primitive Type <==> JSON <==> Array of Primitive Type Java bean <==> JSON <==> Java bean List <==> JSON <==> List Map <==> JSON <==> Map Set <==> JSON <==> Set
- Secure services exposed by HTTP bindings
We can use an HTTP binding with a wire format of JSON-RPC securely in a SCA application. Use intents to secure services that are exposed by the HTTP binding to remote web browser clients.- Use Widget implementation in JavaScript with HTTP bindings
The JavaScript code in an HTML file can use SCA references that are defined in a Tuscany Widget implementation. Use Widget implementation to work with data in JSON format that an SCA service returns in JavaScript.- Secure services exposed by HTTP bindings
We can use an HTTP binding with a wire format of JSON-RPC securely in a SCA application. Use intents to secure services that are exposed by the HTTP binding to remote web browser clients.- Use Widget implementation in JavaScript with HTTP bindings
The JavaScript code in an HTML file can use SCA references that are defined in a Tuscany Widget implementation. Use Widget implementation to work with data in JSON format that an SCA service returns in JavaScript.
Use Widget implementation in JavaScript with Atom or HTTP bindings
Resolve SCA references
Routing HTTP requests to an SCA service when using an external web server
Specify bindings in an SCA environment