Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Establishing high availability
Configure the core group bridge service
The core group bridge service can be configured to establish communication between core groups. A core group is a statically defined component of the high availability manager.
To configure communication between core groups, use an access point group. An access point group is a collection of core groups that communicate with each other. Before you configure a core group bridge service, become familiar with the content of the following topics:
- Core groups, which describes the functionality of a core group.
- Create a new core group (high availability domain), which describes how to configure a core group.
- Configure communication between core groups that are in the same cell, which describes how to configure communication between core groups that are in the same cell.
- Create advanced core group bridge configurations, which describes how to configure two or more core groups, such that the members of each core group can communicate with the members of the other core groups, even if one or more of the other core groups resides outside of a firewall.
Configure the core group bridge service whenever two or more core groups are configured in the same cell. You must also configure the core group bridge if share traffic among core groups that are in different cells. Configure the core group bridge to communicate between cells only when the service is required by another product component. By configuring the core group bridge service, the availability status of the servers in each core group is shared among all the configured core groups. We can configure core groups to communicate in the following ways:
- Configure the core group bridge service for communication between two core groups that are in the same cell. We can configure each core group to communicate with one or more of the other core groups in the cell.
- Configure the core group bridge service for communication between two core groups that are in different cells. We can configure the core group in one cell to communicate with a core group in the other cell.
- Configure the core group bridge service for communication within the cell, and outside of the cell.
- Configure the core group bridge service for communication using a tunnel peer access point. This is the type of communication that configure if you are using a DMZ Secure Proxy Server for IBM WAS.
Multiple core groups can communicate with each other.
What to do next
Continue configuring the high availability environment.
Configure the core group bridge between core groups that are in different cells
Core group communications using the core group bridge service
Core group bridge settings
Core group bridge custom properties
Configure communication between core groups that are in the same cell
Configure core group communication using a proxy peer access point
Configure communication with a core group that resides on a DMZ Secure Proxy Server for IBM WAS
Create a new core group (high availability domain)
Set up a high availability environment