WAS v8.5 > Administer applications and their environment > Administer web services - Notification (WS-Notification) > Use WS-Notification for publish and subscribe messaging for web services > Accomplishing common WS-Notification tasks

Providing access for WS-Notification applications to an existing bus topic space

Configure a solution such that web services clients can share event notifications with other clients of a service integration bus.

This task assumes that we have an existing service integration bus, configured with at least one bus member and a bus topic space. For more information, see Create a bus. This task focuses on the "Create permanent topic namespaces" step that is part of the New WS-Notification service wizard.

We can configure WS-Notification so that web service applications receive event notifications generated by other clients of the service integration bus such as JMS clients. Similarly, web service applications can generate notifications to be received by other client types. This configuration is described in the Topology for WS-Notification as an entry or exit point to the service integration bus. You achieve this configuration by creating a permanent topic namespace that allows messages to be shared between web service and non-web service clients of the bus. Specifically, you create a permanent topic namespace that links the service integration bus topic space used by messaging clients to a WS-Notification topic namespace URI.

For more information about programming the client applications, see Interacting with JMS message types.

  1. Start the dmgr console.
  2. Navigate to Service integration -> WS-Notification -> Services or Service integration -> Buses -> bus_name -> [Services] WS-Notification services. The WS-Notification services [Collection] form is displayed.

  3. Click New. The New WS-Notification service wizard is displayed.

  4. Complete steps 1 to 4 of the wizard, as described in Create a new v6.1 WS-Notification service or Create a new v7.0 WS-Notification service.
  5. In wizard step 5:" Create permanent topic namespaces", configure the WS-Notification topic namespace to provide access to the existing service integration bus topic space:

    • Enter the topic namespace URI you want WS-Notification applications to use when referring to the service integration bus topic space. This must be unique within the WS-Notification service, and is conventionally a URI related to your organization. For example http://www.myorganization.com.

    • Select the "Use an existing service integration bus topic space" radio button, then from the drop-down list select the name of your chosen service integration bus topic space.

  6. Complete wizard step 6: "Summary".

    Check the summary of the actions taken by the wizard is as you expected, then click Finish. If the processing completes successfully, the list of WS-Notification services is updated to include the new WS-Notification service. Otherwise, an error message is displayed.

  7. Save your changes to the master configuration.
    We do not have to restart the server for these changes to take effect. However, you must start the endpoint listener or enterprise application associated with the service point that was created in step 4 of the wizard.


WS-Notification applications can now connect to the WS-Notification service point and insert or receive event notifications from the service integration bus topic space.

For JAX-WS based v7.0 WS-Notification services, we can view the URL to which WS-Notification applications connect by looking in the NotificationBroker.wsdl file for the NotificationBroker application. To view this file, see Publishing the WSDL files for a WS-Notification application to a compressed file.

For JAX-RPC based v6.1 WS-Notification services, we can view the URL to which WS-Notification applications connect by navigating to Service integration -> Buses -> bus_name -> [Services] WS-Notification services -> service_name -> [Additional Properties] WS-Notification service points -> point_name -> NotificationBroker inbound port settings.

Related concepts:

Topology for WS-Notification as an entry or exit point to the service integration bus


Use WS-Notification for publish and subscribe messaging for web services
Secure WS-Notification
Publishing the WSDL files for a WS-Notification application to a compressed file


WS-Notification troubleshooting tips
WS-Notification roles and goals


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