WAS v8.5 > Administer applications and their environment > Administer web services - Bus enabled web services > Enable web services through the service integration bus > Configure web services for a service integration bus > Make an externally-hosted web service available internallyModify an existing outbound service configuration
Modify the configuration details for an outbound service. For example: secure the service; apply JAX-RPC handler lists to the ports for the service; publish the service to more than one UDDI registry. An outbound service provides access, through one or more outbound ports, to a web service that is hosted externally. An outbound service can be used by any of your internal systems that can access the service integration bus on which it is hosted.
When you first create an outbound service you select the ports that are to be enabled for the service, but we do not associate the ports with JAX-RPC handler lists or security settings. You need to modify your outbound service configuration to control and monitor access to the target service in any of the following ways:
- Associate JAX-RPC handler lists with ports, so the handlers can monitor activity at the port, and take appropriate action depending upon the sender and content of each message that passes through the port.
- Password-protect a web service operation.
- Set the level of security to be applied to messages (the WS-Security binding). The security level can be set independently for request and response messages.
- Enable proxy server authentication for any of the ports.
To list the existing outbound services, and to view and modify their configuration details...
- Start the dmgr console.
- In the navigation pane, click Service integration -> Buses -> bus_name -> [Services] Outbound Services. A list of outbound services is displayed in an outbound services collection form.
- Click the name of an outbound service in the list. The current settings for this outbound service are displayed.
- Optional: Click Reload WSDL to reload the external WSDL file for this outbound service.
- When creating a new outbound service, a copy of the external WSDL file for the service is loaded into a locally-maintained repository. If the external service provider changes the WSDL file, update the local copy.
- When you click Reload WSDL, you run the command described in Refreshing the outbound service WSDL file using wsadmin. For the command to complete successfully, the conditions must be met that are described in that topic.
- If the bus needs to pass messages through an authenticating proxy server to retrieve WSDL documents, then we cannot use the Reload WSDL option and run the refresh WSDL command using wsadmin. For more information see the corresponding troubleshooting tip.
- Modify the general properties. For information about each of these properties, see Outbound services settings.
- When you change an outbound service name, the system looks up all objects that refer to it and updates the name. Any replacement name that you choose must be unique within the current service integration bus. If you enter a name not unique, an error message is displayed.
- We cannot change the Service destination name. However, if you click View alongside the name, we can view and modify the configuration information for the service destination.
- If you change the WSDL location information (that is the fields WSDL location type, WSDL location and WSDL UDDI Registry), then click Apply, the outbound service WSDL file is reloaded. Therefore you should click Apply after you make any changes to the WSDL location information and before you change any of the WSDL-derived fields (for example WSDL service name, and list of available ports).
- Although logically the WSDL service name and namespace are only required if there is more than one service in the WSDL, the fields that we use to set them are coded within the dmgr console as compulsory fields. They are filled in for you by default, so if they are not logically required for the service you should leave the default values. If you remove the value from either field, the dmgr console treats the empty field as an error.
- The list of available ports from which you choose the Default port name is a subset of the ports that are described in the WSDL file. You chose this subset when we created or last modified this outbound service. To add or remove available ports, use the additional properties option Outbound Ports.
- If we have created a port selection mediation and deployed it to the service integration bus, then it is available for selection in the list of mediations. If we do not want to use a port selection mediation with this outbound service, select none from the drop-down list. This list contains all mediations, including port selection mediations, that are currently deployed to this service integration bus.
- Bus members are application servers or clusters that are added to this bus. The Bus member property defines the bus member to which the port selection mediation is assigned. If you change the Port selection mediation property value to (none), you should also change the Bus member property value to (none). To use a port selection mediation, assign it to a bus member. If we do not do this, the dmgr console displays an error message.
- If you select the option to Enable operation-level security then you must also complete, for this outbound service, the steps described in Password-protecting a web service operation.
- Modify the additional properties.
- Modify the ports associated with this outbound service. For information about the properties of outbound service ports, see Outbound ports settings.
- Requests and responses to an outbound service can be sent across any binding (for example SOAP over HTTP or SOAP over JMS) that is available to both the service integration bus and the external web service. Each available binding is represented by a port.
- We can use a JAX-RPC handler list to monitor activity at the port, and take appropriate action (for example logging or re-routing) depending upon the sender and content of each message that passes through the port. If the external web service requires HTTP basic authentication, we can use a JAX-RPC handler list to provide an HTTP basic authentication header as described in Invoking a password-protected outbound service.
- We can use WS-Security to set the levels of security to be applied to messages. The security level can be set independently for request and response messages. For more information, see Service integration technologies and WS-Security.
- We can set the levels of security to be applied to messages. The security level can be set independently for request and response messages.
- The service integration technologies require access to the Internet to invoke an outbound service or to retrieve a target service WSDL file. If we use a proxy server in support of Internet routing, and if your proxy server requires authentication before it grants access to the Internet, then you must enable proxy server authentication.
- Modify the custom properties, if any, that we have set for this outbound service. These custom properties are name and value pairs used to set internal system configuration properties. In each pair, the name is a property key and the value is a string value.
- Save your changes to the master configuration.
If the processing completes successfully, the list of outbound services for this service integration bus is redisplayed. Otherwise, an error message is displayed.
createSIBWSOutboundService command
refreshSIBWSOutboundServiceWSDL command
addSIBWSOutboundPort command
removeSIBWSOutboundPort command
setDefaultSIBWSOutboundPort command
Related information:
Delete outbound service configurations
Outbound services [Settings]
Outbound Ports [Settings]