WAS v8.5 > Troubleshoot > Troubleshooting Service integration > Troubleshooting service integration message problems > Investigating why point-to-point messages are not arrivingDetermine the location of message points for a destination on a service integration bus
When you are investigating a problem, you might have to find where the message points for a destination are located.
You might have to undertake this task as part of problem determination, to find out on which messaging engine a message point is located. If the destination is a queue with multiple queue points, or it is mediated using multiple mediation points, complete the problem determination for each message point the message might have been sent to or consumed from.
If we have an alias destination, the alias is resolved to the physical destination immediately after a message is produced. We can use this task to find the physical destination.
Click Service integration -> Buses -> bus_name -> [Additional Properties] Destinations to display the destinations on the relevant bus. Review the Type of the destination:
- If the destination is a queue, the queue point name has the form destination@messaging_engine_name.
- If the destination is a mediated queue, there is at least one mediation point.
- If the destination is a topic space, there is a publication point localized to every messaging engine in the bus. When a topic space is not mediated, service integration delivers messages directly to the publication point situated on the same messaging engine the producing application is connected to. When the topic space is mediated, in the same way as a queue, service integration directs messages to the mediation point or points and then to the publication point that is co-located with that mediation point.