WAS v8.5 > Secure applications > Secure Service integration > Secure service integration > Secure messages between messaging busesProtecting messages transmitted between buses
Use this task to protect the integrity of the data that is transmitted between secured linked service integration buses.
- Review the information in the topics Secure transport configuration requirements and Configure transport chains.
- Configure a transport policy for the bus, as described in the topic Configure a transport policy for a bus.
In this task, you configure transport chains for the remote bus to ensure that only secured inbound transport chains can contact the messaging engines on the server. The remote bus might be a foreign bus, or an WebSphere MQ link.
- Ensure the linked buses are secured. For further information, see Secure buses.
- Configure the Target inbound transport chain property for the foreign bus, or WebSphere MQ link, as appropriate:
- For connections to a foreign bus, see Connect service integration buses to use point-to-point messaging or Connect service integration buses to use publish/subscribe messaging
- For connections to WebSphere MQ, refer to Create a new WebSphere MQ link.
You have configured the Target inbound transport chains for the remote service integration bus.
Related concepts:
Secure transport configuration requirements
Configure transport chains
Create a new WebSphere MQ link
Connect service integration buses to use point-to-point messaging
Connect service integration buses to use publish/subscribe messaging
Configure bus properties