WAS v8.5 > Administer applications and their environment > Use the administrative clients > Use administrative programs (JMX) > Create a custom Java administrative client program using WAS administrative Java APIsDevelop an administrative client program
This topic describes how to develop an administrative client program that utilizes WebSphere Application Server administrative APIs and Java Management Extensions (JMX). Product administrative APIs provide control of the operational aspects of your distributed system as well as the ability to update your configuration. For information about the AdminClient interface, view the application programming interfaces documentation.
This topic also demonstrates examples of MBean operations. For information on MBean programming, see MBean Java API documentation. In this information center, click Reference > Programming interfaces > Mbean interfaces.
This example shows how to get and use a NodeAgent MBean, which is not available for the product. However, the description of how to get and put the NodeAgent MBean is similar to what you would do for other MBeans available for the product.
- Create an AdminClient instance.
An administrative client program needs to invoke methods on the AdminService object that is running in the application server in the base installation.
The AdminClient class provides a proxy to the remote AdminService object through one of the supported JMX connectors.
- The following example shows how to create an AdminClient instance for the SOAP connector:
Properties connectProps = new Properties(); connectProps.setProperty( AdminClient.CONNECTOR_TYPE, AdminClient.CONNECTOR_TYPE_SOAP); connectProps.setProperty(AdminClient.CONNECTOR_HOST, "localhost"); connectProps.setProperty(AdminClient.CONNECTOR_PORT, "8879"); connectProps.setProperty(AdminClient.USERNAME, "test2"); connectProps.setProperty(AdminClient.PASSWORD, "user24test"); AdminClient adminClient = null; try { adminClient = AdminClientFactory.createAdminClient(connectProps);} catch (ConnectorException e) { System.out.println("Exception creating admin client: " + e);}
- Set up a Properties object.
The example sets up a Properties object with the properties required to get to your server. In this case, we use the SOAP connector to reach the server; for the connector type, use the value: AdminClient.CONNECTOR_TYPE_SOAP.
- For simplicity, run the client program on the same machine as the server; use localhost for the host name.
To access a remote host instead of a local host, use a network resolvable name for that host.
- Set the port number on which the server SOAP connector is listening.
In a single server installation, the default port number for the application server SOAP connector is 8880.
- After the connection properties are set, use the AdminClientFactory class and the Properties object to create an AdminClient object that is connected to your chosen server.
Depending on factors such as your desired protocol and security environment, we might need to set other properties. For example, if you enable security for the application client program, include the javax.net.ssl.* properties. For more detailed information about the AdminClient interface, the javax.net.ssl.* properties, and additional creation examples, refer to the AdminClient interface in the application programming interfaces documentation.
- The following example shows how to create an AdminClient instance for the Remote Method Invocation (RMI) connector. Some commands are split on multiple lines for printing purposes.
Properties connectProps = new Properties(); connectProps.setProperty(AdminClient.CONNECTOR_TYPE, AdminClient.CONNECTOR_TYPE_RMI); connectProps.setProperty(AdminClient.CONNECTOR_HOST, "localhost"); connectProps.setProperty(AdminClient.CONNECTOR_PORT, "2809"); connectProps.setProperty(AdminClient.USERNAME, "test2"); connectProps.setProperty(AdminClient.PASSWORD, "user24test"); System.setProperty("com.ibm.CORBA.ConfigURL", "file:C:/AA/cf010839.26/profiles/AppSrv02/properties/sas.client.props"); System.setProperty("com.ibm.SSL.ConfigURL", "file:C:/AA/cf010839.26/profiles/AppSrv02/properties/ssl.client.props"); AdminClient adminClient = null; try { adminClient = AdminClientFactory.createAdminClient(connectProps);} catch (ConnectorException e) { System.out.println("Exception creating admin client: " + e);}When we use the createAdminClient method within application code that runs on an application server, such as within servlets and JSP files, set the CACHE_DISABLED property to true. For example:
connectProps.setProperty(AdminClient.CACHE_DISABLED, "true");
- Set up a Properties object.
The example sets up a Properties object with the properties required to get to your server. In this case, we use the Remote Method Invocation connector to reach the server; for the connector type, use the value: AdminClient.CONNECTOR_TYPE_RMI.
- For simplicity, run the client program on the same machine as the server; use localhost for the host name.
To access a remote host instead of a local host, use a network resolvable name for that host.
- Set the port number on which the server RMI connector is listening.
In a single server installation, the default port number for the application server RMI connector is 2809. In a WAS, Network Deployment installation, the default port number for the deployment manager RMI connector is 9809.
- After the connection properties are set, use the AdminClientFactory class and the Properties object to create an AdminClient object that is connected to your chosen server.
Depending on factors such as your desired protocol and security environment, we might need to set other properties. For example, if you enable security for the application client program, you need to set a system property to point to the ssl.client.props file and the sas.client.props file. If you run on a local machine we can point to the actual location. If you run on a remote machine, we can copy these properties files from the server machine and put them anywhere you want, specifying the path to where you put the files.
We can specify a user name and password inside the sas.client.props file, When we do, specify com.ibm.CORBA.loginSource=properties. To set the user name and password inside your client program, specify com.ibm.CORBA.loginSource=none in the sas.client.props file.
- Find an MBean.
When you obtain an AdminClient instance, we can use it to access managed resources in the administration servers and application servers. Each managed resource registers an MBean with the AdminService through which we can access the resource. The MBean is represented by an ObjectName instance that identifies the MBean. An ObjectName instance consists of a domain name followed by an unordered set of one or more key properties. The syntax for the domain name follows:
For WAS, the domain name is WebSphere and the key properties defined for administration are as follows:
Key property descriptions. Key properties include types, name, cell, node, and process.
Key Property Description type The type of MBean. For example: Server, TraceService, JVM. name The name identifier for the individual instance of the MBean. cell Name of the cell the MBean is running. node The name of the node the MBean is running. process The name of the process the MBean is running. Some MBeans in WAS use additional key properties. An MBean without key properties can be registered with the MBean server in a WAS process. However, such an MBean cannot participate in the distributed enhancements the product adds, for example, request routing, distributed event notification, and so on.
If you know the complete set of key properties for an ObjectName instance, we can use it to find the MBean it identifies. However, finding MBeans without having to know all of their key properties is usually more practical and convenient. Use the wildcard character asterisk (*) for any key properties that we do not need to match. The following table provides some examples of object names with wildcard key properties that match single or multiple MBeans.
Examples object names with wildcard key properties. Include asterisks (*) to specify wildcard key properties.
Object name Description *:type=Server,* All MBeans of type Server *:node=Node1,type=Server,* All MBeans of type Server on Node1 *:type=JVM,process=server1,node=Node1,* The JVM MBean in the server named server1 node Node1 *:process=server1,* All MBeans in all servers named server1 *:process=server1,node=Node1,* All MBeans in the server named server1 on Node1 We can locate an MBean by querying for it with object names that match key properties. The following example shows how to find the MBean for the node agent of node, MyNode:
String nodeName = "MyNode"; String query = "WebSphere:type=NodeAgent,node=" + nodeName + ",*"; ObjectName queryName = new ObjectName(query); ObjectName nodeAgent = null; Set s = adminClient.queryNames(queryName, null); if (!s.isEmpty()) nodeAgent = (ObjectName)s.iterator().next(); else System.out.println("Node agent MBean was not found");
- Build an ObjectName instance with a query string that specifies the key properties of type and node.
By using a wildcard for the remaining key properties, this pattern matches the object names for all MBeans of the type NodeAgent on the node MyNode. Because only one node agent per node exists, this information is sufficient to identify the MBean you want.
- Give this ObjectName instance to the queryNames method of the AdminClient interface.
The AdminClient interface performs the remote call to the AdminService interface to obtain the set of MBean object names that match the query. The null second parameter to this method is a query expression (QueryExp) object that we can use as an additional query over the MBeans that match the ObjectName pattern in the first parameter.
- Use the set iterator to get the first and, in this case, only element.
The element is the MBean ObjectName instance of the node agent.
- Use the MBean.
What a particular MBean can do depends on the management interface of that MBean. An MBean can declare:
- Attributes that we can obtain or set
- Operations that we can invoke
- Notifications for which we can register listeners
For the MBeans provided by WAS, we can find information about the interfaces they support in the MBean API documentation. The following example invokes one of the operations available on the NodeAgent MBean that you located previously. The following example starts the MyServer application server:
String opName = "launchProcess"; String signature[] = { "java.lang.String" }; String params[] = { "MyServer" }; try { adminClient.invoke(nodeAgent, opName, params, signature);} catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Exception invoking launchProcess: " + e);}The AdminClient.invoke method is a generic means of invoking any operation on any MBean. The parameters are:
- The object name of the target MBean, nodeAgent
- The name of the operation, opName
- An object array containing the operation parameters, params
- A string array containing the operation signature, signature
The launchProcess operation in the example has a single parameter which is a string that identifies the server to start.
The invoke method returns an object instance, which the calling code can use to cast to the correct return type for the invoked operation. The launchProcess operation is declared void so that we can ignore the return value in this example.
- Register for events.
In addition to managing resources, the JMX API also supports application monitoring for specific administrative events. Certain events produce notifications, for example, when a server starts. Administrative applications can register as listeners for these notifications. The WAS provides a full implementation of the JMX notification model, and provides additional function so we can receive notifications in a distributed environment. For a complete list of the notifications emitted from product MBeans, refer to the com.ibm.websphere.management.NotificationConstants class in the MBean API documentation.
The following example shows how an object can register for event notifications that are emitted from an MBean using the ObjectName node agent:
adminClient.addNotificationListener(nodeAgent, this, null, null);
In this example, the first parameter is the ObjectName for the node agent MBean. The second parameter identifies the listener object, which must implement the NotificationListener interface. In this case, the calling object is the listener. The third parameter is a filter used to indicate which notifications to receive. When you leave this value as null, you receive all notifications from this MBean. The final parameter is a handback object used to set the JMX API to return to you when it emits a notification.
Another enhanced feature that Application Server provides is the ability to register as a notification listener of multiple MBeans with one call. This registration is done through the addNotificationListenerExtended method of the AdminClient interface, an extension of the standard JMX addNotificationListener method. This extension method even lets you register for MBeans that are not currently active. This registration is important in situations where to monitor events from resources that can be stopped and restarted during the lifetime of your administrative client program.
- Handle the events.
Objects receive JMX event notifications through the handleNotification method, which is defined by the NotificationListener interface and which any event receiver must implement. The following example is an implementation of the handleNotification method that reports the notifications that it receives:
public void handleNotification(Notification n, Object handback) { System.out.println("***************************************************"); System.out.println("* Notification received at " + new Date().toString()); System.out.println("* type = " + ntfyObj.getType()); System.out.println("* message = " + ntfyObj.getMessage()); System.out.println("* source = " + ntfyObj.getSource()); System.out.println( "* seqNum = " + Long.toString(ntfyObj.getSequenceNumber())); System.out.println("* timeStamp = " + new Date(ntfyObj.getTimeStamp())); System.out.println("* userData = " + ntfyObj.getUserData()); System.out.println("***************************************************");}
The administrative client can handle event notifications that are emitted from an MBean.
If a client program registers a notification listener through an RMI or JSR160RMI connector and the ORB thread does not stop running, and thus prevents the Java virtual machine from exiting, add a System.exit() statement to the client program. The ORB starts a thread to handle notification propagation to the client. This thread does not automatically exit with the client main thread unless the main thread has a System.exit() statement. Place a System.exit() statement in a location in the client program that enables the ORB thread and main thread to stop processing. For example, place the System.exit() statement in a catch or finally clause of the client program main try block.
Example: Administrative client program
This example shows how to connect to the node agent server, which is not available for the product. However, we can connect to your server by changing the host and port values. Substitute your server for the node agent server references. Since the NodeAgent MBean is not available for the product, substitute the queryNames string to search for another MBean.
Copy the contents to a file named AdminClientExample.java. After changing the node name and server name to the appropriate values for the configuration, we can compile and run it using the instructions from Create a custom Java administrative client program using WAS administrative Java APIs
import java.util.Date; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import javax.management.InstanceNotFoundException; import javax.management.MalformedObjectNameException; import javax.management.Notification; import javax.management.NotificationListener; import javax.management.ObjectName; import com.ibm.websphere.management.AdminClient; import com.ibm.websphere.management.AdminClientFactory; import com.ibm.websphere.management.exception.ConnectorException; public class AdminClientExample implements NotificationListener { private AdminClient adminClient; private ObjectName nodeAgent; private long ntfyCount = 0; public static void main(String[] args) { AdminClientExample ace = new AdminClientExample(); // Create an AdminClient ace.createAdminClient(); // Find a NodeAgent MBean ace.getNodeAgentMBean("ellington"); // Invoke launchProcess ace.invokeLaunchProcess("server1"); // Register for NodeAgent events ace.registerNotificationListener(); // Run until interrupted ace.countNotifications(); } private void createAdminClient() { // Set up a Properties object for the JMX connector attributes Properties connectProps = new Properties(); connectProps.setProperty( AdminClient.CONNECTOR_TYPE, AdminClient.CONNECTOR_TYPE_SOAP); connectProps.setProperty(AdminClient.CONNECTOR_HOST, "localhost"); connectProps.setProperty(AdminClient.CONNECTOR_PORT, "8879"); // Get an AdminClient based on the connector properties try { adminClient = AdminClientFactory.createAdminClient(connectProps); } catch (ConnectorException e) { System.out.println("Exception creating admin client: " + e); System.exit(-1); } System.out.println("Connected to DeploymentManager"); } private void getNodeAgentMBean(String nodeName) { // Query for the ObjectName of the NodeAgent MBean on the given node try { String query = "WebSphere:type=NodeAgent,node=" + nodeName + ",*"; ObjectName queryName = new ObjectName(query); Set s = adminClient.queryNames(queryName, null); if (!s.isEmpty()) nodeAgent = (ObjectName)s.iterator().next(); else { System.out.println("Node agent MBean was not found"); System.exit(-1); } } catch (MalformedObjectNameException e) { System.out.println(e); System.exit(-1); } catch (ConnectorException e) { System.out.println(e); System.exit(-1); } System.out.println("Found NodeAgent MBean for node " + nodeName); } private void invokeLaunchProcess(String serverName) { // Use the launchProcess operation on the NodeAgent MBean to start // the given server String opName = "launchProcess"; String signature[] = { "java.lang.String" }; String params[] = { serverName }; boolean launched = false; try { Boolean b = (Boolean)adminClient.invoke( nodeAgent, opName, params, signature); launched = b.booleanValue(); if (launched) System.out.println(serverName + " was launched"); else System.out.println(serverName + " was not launched"); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Exception invoking launchProcess: " + e); } } private void registerNotificationListener() { // Register this object as a listener for notifications from the // NodeAgent MBean. Don't use a filter and don't use a handback // object. try { adminClient.addNotificationListener(nodeAgent, this, null, null); System.out.println("Registered for event notifications"); } catch (InstanceNotFoundException e) { System.out.println(e); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ConnectorException e) { System.out.println(e); e.printStackTrace(); } } public void handleNotification(Notification ntfyObj, Object handback) { // Each notification the NodeAgent MBean generates will result in // this method being called ntfyCount++; System.out.println("***************************************************"); System.out.println("* Notification received at " + new Date().toString()); System.out.println("* type = " + ntfyObj.getType()); System.out.println("* message = " + ntfyObj.getMessage()); System.out.println("* source = " + ntfyObj.getSource()); System.out.println( "* seqNum = " + Long.toString(ntfyObj.getSequenceNumber())); System.out.println("* timeStamp = " + new Date(ntfyObj.getTimeStamp())); System.out.println("* userData = " + ntfyObj.getUserData()); System.out.println("***************************************************"); } private void countNotifications() { // Run until killed try { while (true) { Thread.currentThread().sleep(60000); System.out.println(ntfyCount + " notification have been received"); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } }
- Example: Administrative client program
The following examples are complete administrative client program. The second examples uses a Remote Method Invocation (RMI) connector.- Example: Administrative client program
The following examples are complete administrative client program. The second examples uses a Remote Method Invocation (RMI) connector.
Related concepts:
Additional Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)
Create a custom Java administrative client program using WAS administrative Java APIs
Use application clients