WAS v8.5 > Administer applications and their environment > Welcome to administering Service integration > Administer message stores > Administer data stores > Configure a messaging engine to use a data store > Create the database, schema and user ID for a messaging engine

Create users and schemas in the database

After we have created a database, you create the schema in which all tables in the data store are held. Depending on which database you are using, you create one or more database user IDs to enable the messaging engine to access the data store tables.

Before beginning this task, first create the database for the messaging engine. All the tables in the data store must be stored in the same schema. We can create more than one data store in a database, provided that we use a different schema name for each data store. Although every messaging engine uses the same table names, its relationship with the schema gives each messaging engine exclusive use of its own tables.

To connect to WebSphere Application Server, create at least one messaging engine user ID. The number of user IDs you need depends on the database we use:

If a database user ID can be configured to use multiple schemas, then only that user ID is needed for all messaging engines. Otherwise the user ID is restricted to using tables in its own schema. In this case there can be only one user ID per schema.

  1. Create the users and schema in accordance with the documentation for the chosen relational database management system (RDBMS). With DB2 databases, you create users and schema in separate steps. With the other databases, there is a one-to-one relationship between a schema and a user.
  2. Ensure the messaging engine user ID has the privileges required to enable the messaging engine to access the data store tables and, if required, create the data store tables automatically. See Database privileges.


Create the database for a data store


Database privileges


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