WAS v8.5 > Administer applications and their environment > Welcome to administering Service integration > Administer service integration buses > Configure buses > Connect buses > Manage messages that use foreign bus connections

Manage messages in a known link transmission queue for connection to a WebSphere MQ network

We can manage messages in a known link transmission queue associated with a foreign bus connection from a service integration bus to a WebSphere MQ network.

You must know the foreign bus connection and the known link transmitter for which for which to manage messages.

A link can have multiple known link transmitters; one for each messaging engine in the bus that has sent messages through the link to the foreign bus, and one for each topic space destination that is mapped to a topic space in the foreign bus.

Complete this task when we want to view, delete, or move messages that are queued for a known link transmitter.

  1. Start the dmgr console.
  2. In the navigation pane, click Service integration -> Buses to display a list of buses.

  3. Select the bus whose known link transmission queue to manage.
  4. In the Configuration tab, under Topology, click Foreign bus connections to display a list of connections for this bus.

  5. Select the name of the foreign bus connection to display its details.

  6. Under Related Items click WebSphere MQ links, then select the name of the link.
  7. In the Configuration tab, under Additional Properties, click Sender channel to display the sender channels for all messaging engines that are sending messages to this bus. The sender channel sends messages to the gateway queue manager.

  8. From the list of sender channels, select the check box of a Sender MQ channel name and click View known link transmitters to display a list the remote messaging engines producing messages for this WebSphere MQ link.

  9. Click Refresh to view the current messages on the message engines.

  10. Optional: To manage all messages that are queued for a known link transmitter, select a known link transmitter and complete your required task:

    • Click Delete all messages to remove the messages from the known link transmission queue.

    • Click Move all messages to move all the available messages that are queued for a selected known link transmitter to the configured exception destination. If the exception destination is configured as None, or if the known link transmitter is a publish/subscribe known link transmitter, the messages are discarded. If it is configured as System default the messages are sent to the system default exception destination. If a Specified destination is configured, the messages are sent to the exception destination specified for this link.

  11. Optional: To manage selected messages that are queued for a known link transmitter, select a known link transmitter then click View messages to view the messages.

  12. Select one or more messages and complete your required task:

    • Click Delete to remove the selected messages from the known link transmission queue.

    • Click Move to move the selected messages to the configured exception destination. If the exception destination is configured as None, or if the known link transmitter is a publish/subscribe known link transmitter, the messages are discarded. If the exception destination is configured as System default, the messages are sent to the system default exception destination. If a Specified destination is configured, the messages are sent to the exception destination specified for this link.


You have managed the messages in a known link transmission queue for a specified foreign bus connection between a service integration bus and a WebSphere MQ network.


Prepare to remove a foreign bus connection between two service integration buses
Remove a foreign bus connection from a bus

Related information:

Known link transmitters [Collection]
Known link transmitter inbound streams [Collection]
Known link transmitter stream messages [Collection]


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