WAS v8.5 > Develop applications > Develop Internationalization service

Tasks: Internationalizing interface strings (localizable-text API)

This topic summarizes the steps involved in implementing message catalogs through the localizable-text API. WAS v8.5 supports the maintenance and deployment of centralized message catalogs for the output of properly formatted, language-specific (localized) interface strings.

  1. Identify localizable text in the application.
  2. Create the message catalogs necessary for the locales to be supported by the application.
  3. In the application code, compose the language-specific strings for output.
  4. Using an assembly tool, assemble the application code as one or more application components.
  5. Prepare the localizable-text package for deployment with your localized application. In this step, you create a deployment JAR file.
  6. Assemble the application modules and the deployment JAR file into a Java EE application.
  7. Deploy and manage the application.


Your application is deployed with localized text.


Related concepts:



Assemble applications
Tasks: Globalizing applications
Deploy enterprise applications


Globalization: Resources for learning


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