WAS v8.5 > Develop applications > Develop EJB applications > Develop session beansConfigure EJB 3.1 session bean methods to be asynchronous
Use this task to configure EJB 3.1 session bean methods to run asynchronously. We can make some or all of your bean methods asynchronous.
In EJB 3.1 modules, we can set one or more session bean methods to be asynchronous, broadening parallel processing in the application.
- If you are not already familiar with EJB 3.1 asynchronous methods, read about EJB 3.1 asynchronous methods, client programming model for EJB asynchronous methods, bean implementation programming model for EJB asynchronous methods, and EJB container work manager for asynchronous methods. The topics provide an overview of EJB 3.1 asynchronous methods, describe the client and bean implementation programming models, and discuss the work manager the EJB container uses to dispatch asynchronous methods.
- Develop a new EJB 3.1 session bean for the application, or change an existing session bean so that it conforms to the EJB 3.1 programming model requirements for asynchronous methods. For general information, see information about developing enterprise beans.
After we have developed a session bean...to make one or more of the bean methods asynchronous.
- Specify one or more methods of the bean implementation class as asynchronous. This can be accomplished by adding @Asynchronous annotations in your bean source code, by adding <async-method> stanzas in your module deployment descriptor, or by adding a combination of both annotations and deployment descriptor stanzas. We can apply the @Asynchronous annotation or its superclasses only, to your bean implementation class. It cannot be applied to interface classes. Also, when the annotation is applied at the class level, all methods of that class are asynchronous. Likewise, all methods of a bean can be configured as asynchronous by applying "*" as the <method-name> in your deployment descriptor.
Examples of applying the @Asynchronous annotation:
- Apply the @Asynchronous annotation to one method of a bean with a no-interface view. In this example, the m1 method is synchronous and the m2 method is asynchronous.
@Stateless @LocalBean public class MyLocalBean { public void m1() { // method code } @Asynchronous public Future<String> m2() { // method code return new javax.ejb.AsyncResult("Hello, Async World!"); }}The javax.ejb.AsyncResult<V> object is a convenience implementation of the Future<V> interface. See the API documentation for more details.
- Apply the @Asynchronous annotation to the class level of a bean class. In this example, both the m1 method and the m2 method are asynchronous on this no-interface view bean.
@Stateless @LocalBean @Asynchronouspublic class MyLocalBean { public void m1() { // method code } public Future<String> m2() { // method code return new javax.ejb.AsyncResult("Hello, Async World!"); } }- Apply the @Asynchronous annotation to one method of a bean implementation class. In this example, the m1 method is synchronous and the m2 method is asynchronous. This example also demonstrates how the return types might differ between the business interface and the implementation class.
public interface MyIntf { public void m1(); public Future<Integer> m2(); }@Stateless @Local(MyIntf.class) public class MyBean { public void m1() { // method code } @Asynchronous public Integer m2() { // method code return new Integer(3); }}- Apply the @Asynchronous annotation to the class level of a bean implementation class. In this example, both the m1 method and the m2 method are asynchronous.
@Stateless @Local(MyIntf.class) @Asynchronous public class MyBean { public void m1() { // method code } public Integer m2() { // method code return new Integer(8); }}
Examples of modifying the EJB module deployment descriptor, ejb-jar.xml:
- In this example all business methods of the FullAyncBean bean implementation class and its superclasses are configured as asynchronous with the wildcard (*) method-name element.
<session> <display-name>FullAsyncEJB</display-name> <ejb-name>FullAsyncBean</ejb-name> <business-local>com.ibm.sample.async.ejb.FullAsyncIntf</business-local> <ejb-class>com.ibm.sample.async.ejb.FullAsyncBean</ejb-class> <session-type>Stateless</session-type> <async-method> <method-name>*</method-name> </async-method> </session>- In this example only the specified methods and signatures -- all methods named m1 and the method m2 with a single String parameter -- are configured as asynchronous on the PartiallyAsyncBean bean implementation class.
<session> <display-name>PartiallyAsyncEJB</display-name> <ejb-name>PartiallyAsyncEJB</ejb-name> <business-local>com.ibm.sample.async.ejb.PartiallyAsyncIntf</business-local> <ejb-class>com.ibm.sample.async.ejb.PartiallyAsyncBean</ejb-class> <session-type>Stateless</session-type> <async-method> <method-name>m1</method-name> </async-method> <async-method> <method-name>m2</method-name> <method-params> <method-param>java.lang.String</method-param> </method-params> </async-method> </session>
Examples of applying a combination of the @Asynchronous annotation in the bean source code and modifying the EJB module deployment descriptor, ejb-jar.xml:
- In this example the @Asynchronous annotation configures method m2 to be asynchronous, and the deployment descriptor configures method m1 to also be an asynchronous method.
@Stateless @LocalBean public class MyLocalBean { public void m1() { // method code } @Asynchronous public Future<String> m2() { // method code return new javax.ejb.AsyncResult("Hello, Async World!"); }} <session> <display-name>MyLocalEJB</display-name> <ejb-name>MyLocalEJB</ejb-name> <local-bean/> <ejb-class>com.ibm.sample.async.ejb.MyLocalBean</ejb-class> <session-type>Stateless</session-type> <async-method> <method-name>m1</method-name> </async-method> </session>- In this example the @Asynchronous annotation for method m2 is ignored because the deployment descriptor header contains the metadata-complete="true" flag. This flag causes configuration information to only be taken from the deployment descriptor elements. The result is that only method m1 of the MyLocalBean implementation is configured to be asynchronous.
@Stateless @LocalBean public class MyLocalBean { public void m1() { // method code } @Asynchronous public Future<String> m2() { // method code return new javax.ejb.AsyncResult("Hello, Async World!"); }} <ejb-jar id="ejb-jar_ID" ... metadata-complete="true" version="3.1"> ... <session> <display-name>MyLocalEJB</display-name> <ejb-name>MyLocalEJB</ejb-name> <local-bean/> <ejb-class>com.ibm.sample.async.ejb.MyLocalBean</ejb-class> <session-type>Stateless</session-type> <async-method> <method-name>m1</method-name> </async-method> </session> ... </ejb-jar>
- Verify the transaction attribute applied to any asynchronous method is either REQUIRED, REQUIRES_NEW, or NOT_SUPPORTED. These transaction attribute types are the only transaction attribute types supported on asynchronous methods. We can complete this action by either applying @TransactionAttribute annotations in the bean source code, by adding <container-transaction> stanzas in the ejb-jar.xml file, or by adding a combination of both annotations and <container-transaction> stanzas in the deployment descriptor.
See the following example of setting the transaction attribute of an asynchronous method using annotations:
@Singleton @LocalBean public class FullAsyncBean { @Asynchronous @TransactionAttribute(REQUIRED) // the default; specified for illustration public void m1() { // ... } @Asynchronous @TransactionAttribute(NOT_SUPPORTED) public void m2() { // ... } @Asynchronous @TransactionAttribute(REQUIRES_NEW) public void m3() { // ... } // ...}Example of setting the transaction attribute of an asynchronous method using the XML deployment descriptor:
<assembly-descriptor> <container-transaction> <method> <ejb-name>FullAsyncBean</ejb-name> <method-name>m1</method-name> </method> <trans-attribute>Required</trans-attribute> </container-transaction> <container-transaction> <method> <ejb-name>FullAsyncBean</ejb-name> <method-name>m2</method-name> </method> <trans-attribute>NotSupported</trans-attribute> </container-transaction> <container-transaction> <method> <ejb-name>FullAsyncBean</ejb-name> <method-name>m3</method-name> </method> <trans-attribute>RequiresNew</trans-attribute> </container-transaction> </assembly-descriptor>Example of using a combination of both annotations and the XML deployment descriptor to configure the transaction attributes of a bean. In this example the deployment descriptor stanzas for method m3 override the class level annotation. The result is that method m3 is configured as REQUIRES_NEW, while methods m1 and m2 are configured as REQUIRED:
@Singleton @LocalBean @Asynchronous @TransactionAttribute(REQUIRED) // the default; specified for illustration public class FullAsyncBean { public void m1() { // ... } public void m2() { // ... } public void m3() { // ... } // ...} <assembly-descriptor> <container-transaction> <method> <ejb-name>FullAsyncBean</ejb-name> <method-name>m3</method-name> </method> <trans-attribute>RequiresNew</trans-attribute> </container-transaction> </assembly-descriptor>
Continue to develop additional components for the application, or if we have finished all components required by the application, assemble and deploy the application. See information about assembling EJB modules and deploying EJB modules.
When you run the application, if it fails when it first attempts to use a session bean that has an asynchronous method, a configuration error might exist. Check the system log file for configuration error messages.
Analyze the trace data or forward it to the appropriate organization for analysis. EJB asynchronous method scheduling and invocation are traced in the EJB container trace. For instructions on enabling this trace see the information about enabling trace on a running server. To analyze trace data, see information about trace output.
- Configure remote asynchronous EJB method results
Use this task to set the maximum number of unclaimed results for a remote asynchronous EJB method call.- Configure EJB asynchronous methods using scripting
Use wsadmin scripting to configure EJB asynchronous methods.- EJB 3.1 asynchronous methods
The Enterprise JavaBeans™ (EJB) 3.1 specification includes functionality that application developers can use to configure EJB asynchronous methods, which are run on a separate thread from the caller thread.- Develop client code that calls EJB asynchronous methods
We can use the sample code within this topic to develop client code that calls EJB asynchronous methods.- Bean implementation programming model for EJB asynchronous methods
We can configure asynchronous methods on session beans. However, as documented in the EJB 3.1 specification, asynchronous methods must not be configured on entity beans, or message-driven beans.- EJB container work manager for asynchronous methods
The default work manager used by the EJB container to dispatch asynchronous methods is not configurable. The following configuration information is provided to help understand the limits imposed by this work manager. Remember, one EJB container work manager exists for all asynchronous methods running in the application server process.- EJB asynchronous methods settings
Use this page to modify settings on the work manager used in support of Enterprise JavaBeans asynchronous methods.
Related concepts:
EJB 3.1 asynchronous methods
Client programming model for EJB asynchronous methods
Bean implementation programming model for EJB asynchronous methods
EJB container work manager for asynchronous methods
Develop enterprise beans
Assemble EJB modules
Deploy EJB modules