WAS v8.5 > Administer applications and their environment > Welcome to administering Data access resources > Administer data access applicationsPerforming platform-specific tasks for JDBC access
This article provides miscellaneous tips for platform-specific tasks for JDBC access.
Most of the following tasks are performed outside of the WebSphere Application Server administrative tools, using the database product tools. Always refer to the documentation that accompanies the database JDBC driver as the authoritative and complete source of driver information. The Supported hardware and software web page lists drivers that are supported by Application Server for specific platforms.
Enable Java Transaction API (JTA) drivers for Sybase products on AIX systems by following these steps:
- Enable the Data Transaction Manager (DTM) by issuing these commands (one per line) at a command prompt:
isql -Usa -Ppassword -Sservername sp_configure "enable DTM", 1 go- Stop the Sybase Adaptive Server database and start it again.
- Grant the appropriate role authorization to the enterprise bean user at a command prompt:
isql -Usa -Ppassword -Sservername grant role dtm_tm_role to EJB go
- Sybase Java Transaction API drivers on all platforms:
Do not use a Sybase Java Transaction API (JTA) connection in an enterprise bean method with an unspecified transaction context. A Sybase JTA connection does not support the local transaction mode. The implication is that use the Sybase JTA connection in a global transaction context.Source the db2profile script on supported UNIX systems before starting WAS to host data access applications. Run the command
. ~db2inst1/sqllib/db2profile
where db2inst1 is the user created during DB2 installation.
Related concepts:
Data sources
Data source minimum required settings, by vendor
Data access: Resources for learning