WAS v8.5 > Secure applications > Secure Client applications

Configure secure access to resources for applet clients

By default, the applet client is configured to have security enabled. If we have administrative security turned on at the server from which we are accessing resources, then we can use secure sockets layer (SSL) when needed.

If you decide the security requirements for applet client applications differ from other types of client applications, then create a new version of the sas.client.props and ssl.client.props files.

  1. Make a copy of the following files so that we can use them for an applet:

  2. Edit the copies of the sas.client.props and ssl.client.props files made with your changes.

  3. Display the IBM Control Panel for Java. Click Start > Control panel, then select the product Java Plug-In.
  4. To use the files you created in step 1, modify the following Java Run-Time parameter values. Click the Advanced tab, then edit the parameters in the Java Runtime Parameters field:

      • -Dcom.ibm.CORBA.ConfigURL=file:<app_client_root>\properties\sas.client.props

  5. To save your changes, click Apply



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