WAS v8.5 > Reference > Developer detailed usage informationManagement of UDDI node value sets
We can use the UDDI registry administrative interface to inspect and manage the runtime configuration of a UDDI application. We can manage the information about a UDDI node and its activation state, update properties and policies, set publish tier limits, register UDDI publishers, and control value set support.
Value sets are represented in a UDDI registry as value set tModel entities, with a keyedReference UDDI type with the value categorization. Such value sets are backed with a set of valid values. For user-defined value sets, this data is loaded into the UDDI registry using UddiNode MBean operations, although it is more convenient to do this using the User defined value set tool.
Each value set can be controlled by policy as being supported or not supported. When a value set is supported by policy, it can be referenced in UDDI publish requests. The UddiNode MBean provides the following operations to manage value sets and their data:
- getValueSets
- getValueSetDetail
- getValueSetProperty
- updateValueSet
- updateValueSets
- loadValueSet
- changeValueSetTModelKey
- unloadValueSet
- isExistingValueSet
In the samples for WebSphere Application Server, the ManageValueSetsSample class in the UDDI registry samples demonstrates these operations.
- getValueSets
- Returns a collection of ValueSetStatus objects.
- Invoke the getValueSets operation:
List valueSets = uddiNode.getValueSets();
- Cast each element to ValueSetStatus and output contents:
for (Iterator iter = valueSets.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { ValueSetStatus valueSetStatus = (ValueSetStatus) iter.next(); System.out.println(valueSetStatus);}
- getValueSetDetail
- Returns a ValueSetStatus object for the given value set tModel key.
- Invoke the getValueSetDetail operation:
- Retrieve and display the details:
String name = valueSetStatus.getName(); String displayName = valueSetStatus.getDisplayName(); boolean supported = valueSetStatus.isSupported(); System.out.println("name: " + name); System.out.println("display name: " + displayName); System.out.println("supported: " + supported);
- Display the value set properties:
List properties = valueSetStatus.getProperties(); for (Iterator iter = properties.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { ValueSetProperty property = (ValueSetProperty) iter.next(); System.out.println(property);}
- getValueSetProperty
- Returns a property of a value set as a ValueSetProperty object. This operation is mainly for the dmgr console to render properties of a value set as a row in a table. For example, one such property is the keyedReference property, which indicates whether the value set is checked.
- Invoke the getValueSetProperty operation:
uddiNode.getValueSetProperty("uddi:uddi.org:ubr:categorization:naics:2002", ValueSetPropertyConstants.VS_CHECKED);- Read and display the boolean value of the property:
boolean checked = valueSetProperty.getBooleanValue(); System.out.println("checked: " + checked);
- updateValueSet
- Updates the value set status. Only the supported attribute can be updated. All other setter methods are used by the UDDI application.
- Create a ValueSetStatus object specifying the tModel key and the updated supported value:
ValueSetStatus updatedStatus = new ValueSetStatus(); updatedStatus.setTModelKey("uddi:uddi.org:ubr:categorization:naics:2002"); updatedStatus.setSupported(true);- Invoke the updateValueSet operation:
- updateValueSets
- Updates the value set status for multiple value sets. Similarly to the updateValueSet operation, only the supported attribute is updated.
- Populate the list with updated ValueSetStatus objects:
List valueSets = new ArrayList(); ValueSetStatus valueSetStatus = new ValueSetStatus(); valueSetStatus.setTModelKey("uddi:uddi.org:ubr:categorization:naics:2002"); valueSetStatus.setSupported(false); valueSets.add(valueSetStatus); valueSetStatus = new ValueSetStatus(); valueSetStatus.setTModelKey("uddi:uddi.org:ubr:categorizationgroup:wgs84"); valueSetStatus.setSupported(false); valueSets.add(valueSetStatus); valueSetStatus = new ValueSetStatus(); valueSetStatus.setTModelKey("uddi:uddi.org:ubr:identifier:iso6523:icd"); valueSetStatus.setSupported(false); valueSets.add(valueSetStatus);- Invoke the updateValueSets operation:
- loadValueSet
- Loads values for a value set from a UDDI registry v3 or v2 taxonomy data file on the local file system.
There is also a loadValueSet operation that takes a ValueSetData object, but this is only for use by the user-defined value set tool.
- Invoke the loadValueSet operation:
uddiNode.loadValueSet("C:/valuesets/myvalueset.txt", "uddi:cell:node:server:myValueSet");
- changeValueSetTModelKey
- Allocate any value set values that are allocated to one value set tModel to a new value set tModel.
- Invoke the changeValueSetTModelKey operation, specifying old and new tModel keys:
uddiNode.changeValueSetTModelKey( "uddi:cell:node:server:myValueSet", "uddi:cell:node:server:myNewValueSet");
- unloadValueSet
- Unloads values for a value set with the given tModel key.
- Invoke the unloadValueSet operation:
- isExistingValueSet
- Determines whether value set data exists for the given tModel key.
- Invoke the isExistingValueSet operation and display the result:
boolean exists = uddiNode.isExistingValueSet( "uddi:uddi.org:ubr:categorization:naics:2002"); System.out.println("NAICS 2002 is a value set: " + exists);
Manage the UDDI registry
Use the UDDI registry
Use administrative programs (JMX)
Management of UDDI node states and attributes
Management of UDDI node configuration properties
Management of UDDI node policies
Management of UDDI publishers
Management of UDDI node tiers
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