WAS v8.5 > Reference > Developer detailed usage information

tsx:userid and tsx:passwd tag JSP syntax (deprecated)

With the <tsx:userid> and <tsx:passwd> tags, we do not have to hard code a user ID and password in the <tsx:dbconnect> tag.

Deprecated feature: Support for tsx tags in the JSP (JSP) engine are deprecated in WebSphere Application Server v6.0. Instead of using the tsx tags, you should use equivalent tags from the JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL).

Use the <tsx:userid> and <tsx:passwd> tags to accept user input for the values and then add that data to the request object. We can access the request object with a JSP file, such as the JSPEmployee.jsp example that requests the database connection.

You must use <tsx:userid> and <tsx:passwd> tags within a <tsx:dbconnect> tag.

This section describes the syntax of the <tsx:userid> and <tsx:passwd> tags.

    <font color="red"><userid></font>     <tsx:getProperty name="request" property=request.getParameter("userid") />     <font color="red"></userid></font>     <font color="red"><passwd></font>     <tsx:getProperty name="request" property=request.getParameter("passwd") />     <font color="red"></passwd></font>     url="protocol:database_name:database_table"


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