WAS v8.5 > Reference > Command-line utilitieswsimport command for JAX-WS applications
The wsimport command-line tool processes an existing WSDL file and generates the required artifacts for developing JAX-WS web service applications. The generated artifacts are Java 5 compliant, making them portable across different Java versions and platforms.
The wsimport command-line tool supports the top-down approach to developing JAX-WS web services. When you start with an existing WSDL file, use the wsimport command-line tool to generate the required JAX-WS artifacts.
The wsimport, wsgen, schemagen and xjc command-line tools are not supported on the z/OS platform. This functionality is provided by the assembly tools provided with WebSphere Application Server running on the z/OS platform. Read about these command-line tools for JAX-WS applications to learn more about these tools.
Best practice: WAS provides JAX-WS and JAXB tooling. The wsimport, wsgen, schemagen and xjc command-line tools are located in...
Similar tooling is provided by the Java SE Development Kit (JDK) 6. On some occasions, the artifacts generated by both the tooling provided by WAS and the JDK support the same levels of the specifications. In general, the artifacts generated by the JDK tools are portable across other compliant runtime environments. However, it is a best practice to use the tools provided with this product to achieve seamless integration within the WAS environment and to take advantage of the features that may be only supported in WAS. To take advantage of JAX-WS and JAXB V2.2 tooling, use the tools provided with the application server located in the app_server_root\bin\ directory.
The wsimport tool reads an existing WSDL file and generates the following artifacts:
- Service Endpoint Interface (SEI) - The SEI is the annotated Java representation of the WSDL file for the web service. This interface is used for implementing JavaBeans endpoints or creating dynamic proxy client instances.
- javax.xml.ws.Service extension class - This is a generated class that extends the javax.xml.ws.Service class. This class is used to configure and create both dynamic proxy and dispatch instances.
- required data beans, including any JAXB beans required to model the web service data.
We can package the generated artifacts in a web application archive (WAR) file with the WSDL file and schema documents along with the endpoint implementation to be deployed.
To correctly use the wsimport tool, you must adhere to the following requirements:
- You must define all your services within the main WSDL file. Services that are defined within an imported WSDL file are not processed by the wsimport tool.
- If we run the wsimport tool on a WSDL file that implements a Document or Literal style pattern, the complexTypes elements that define the input and output types must be composed of unique names to prevent naming conflicts in the parameter list for the operation..
- If we run the wsimport tool and pass a ?wsdl Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) as a parameter for a WSDL file, ensure that you are using the actual resolved WSDL URI. The wsimport tool correctly resolves the ?wsdl URI, but other relative URIs that are referenced might not resolve correctly.
In addition to using the tools from the command line, we can invoke these JAX-WS tools from within the Ant build environments. Use the com.sun.tools.ws.ant.WsImport Ant task from within the Ant build environment to invoke the wsimport tool. To function properly, this Ant task requires that you invoke Ant using the ws_ant script.
The command-line syntax is:
app_server_root\bin\wsimport.bat [options] WSDL_URI
app_server_root/bin/wsimport.sh [options] WSDL_URI
The WSDL_URI is the only parameter required. The following parameters are optional for the wsimport command:
- -b <path>
- External JAX-WS or JAXB binding files. We can specify multiple JAX-WS and JAXB binding files using the -b option; however, each file must be specified with its own -b option.
- -B <jaxbOption>
- Specifies to pass this option to the JAXB schema compiler.
- -catalog
- Catalog file to resolve external entity references. It supports the TR9401, XCatalog, and the OASIS XML Catalog formats
- -d <directory>
- Where to place the generated output files.
- -extension
- Whether to accept custom extensions for functionality that are not specified by the JAX-WS specification. The use of custom extensions can result in applications that are not portable or do not interoperate with other implementations.
- -help
- Displays the help menu.
- -httpproxy:<host>:port
- Specifies an HTTP proxy. The default port value is 8080.
- -keep
- Whether to keep the generated source files.
- -p <package_name>
- Specifies a target package with this command-line option and overrides any WSDL file and schema binding customization for the package name and the default package name algorithm defined in the JAX-WS specification.
- -quiet
- Specifies to suppress the wsimport output.
- -s <directory>
- Directory to place the generated source files.
- -target <version>>
- Specifies to generate code that is compliant with a specific JAX-WS specification level. Specify version 2.0 or 2.1 to generate code that is compliant with the JAX-WS 2.0 or JAX-WS 2.1 specification respectively. Specifying version 2.1 indicates to generate code that is compliant with the JAX-WS 2.1 specification. Default is version 2.2 and generates compliant code for the JAXB 2.2 specification.
- -verbose
- Specifies to output messages about what the compiler is doing.
- -version
- Prints the version information. If we specify this option, only the version information is included in the output and normal command processing does not occur.
- -wsdlLocation
- Specifies the @WebServiceClient.wsdlLocation value.
The wsimport tool does not set the @WebService.wsdlLocation value either by default or when the -wsdlLocation attribute is specified. The wsimport command-line tool updates the @WebServiceClient.wsdlLocation annotation only. We can manually update the @WebService.wsdlLocation annotation with a relative URL that specifies the location of the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) file. If the @WebService.wsdlLocation annotation is present on an endpoint implementation class, then the value must be a relative URL and the WSDL document that it references must be packaged with the application.
If we specify an HTTPS URL for the -wsdlLocation parameter, the wsimport tool generates a service class with a no-argument constructor not valid. Avoid using the no-argument service constructor to instantiate your service. Instead, pass the HTTPS URL to one of the service class constructors that takes a WSDL URL for an argument; for example:
Related concepts:
Development and assembly tools
Generate Java artifacts for JAX-WS applications from a WSDL file
Implement web services applications with JAX-WS
wsgen command for JAX-WS applications
xjc command for JAXB applications
Web services specifications and APIs
Related information:
JAX-WS 2.2 Tools Reference implementation