WAS v8.5 > Reference > Log and trace file descriptionsSample Common Base Event instance
This XML document is an example of a Common Base Event instance generated by a WebSphere Application Server application.
Use the following example for reference:
<CommonBaseEvent creationTime="2004-09-18T04:03:28.484Z" globalInstanceId="myhost:1095479647062:1899" msg="WSVR0024I: Server server1 stopped" severity="10" version="1.0.1"> ... several extendedDataElements for internal use only ... <sourceComponentId component="com.ibm.ws.runtime.component.ServerCollaborator" componentIdType="Unknown" executionEnvironment="Windows Vista[x86]#5.0" instanceId="myhost\myhost\server1" location="myhost" locationType="Hostname" processId="1095479647062" subComponent="Unknown" threadId="Alarm : 0" componentType="http://www.ibm.com/namespaces/autonomic/WebSphereApplicationServer"/> <msgDataElement msgLocale="en_US"> <msgCatalogTokens value="server1"/> <msgId>WSVR0024I< /msgId> <msgCatalogId>WSVR0024I< /msgCatalogId> <msgCatalog>com.ibm.ws.runtime.runtime< /msgCatalog> </msgDataElement> <situation categoryName="ReportSituation"> <situationType xsi:type="ReportSituation" reasoningScope="EXTERNAL" reportCategory="LOG"/> </situation> </CommonBaseEvent>A number of extendedDataElement elements in the XML are used by WAS, but are not for application use because these elements might change.
The CommonBaseEvent element defines the Common Base Event instance. This element has a set of attributes that are common for all Common Base Events. This set includes the extensionName attribute, which defines the type or class of the Common Base Event instance, the creation time, severity, and priority.
Nested within the CommonBaseEvent element are elements giving more detail about the situation. The first of these elements is the situation element. This classification is standardized.
The CommonBaseEvent element also includes the sourceComponentId and the (optional) reporterComponentId elements. The sourceComponentId element describes where the situation occurred; the reporterComponentId describes where the situation is detected. If the sourceComponentId and the reporterComponentId elements are the same, the reporterComponentId element is omitted.
The attributes of both the sourceComponentId and the reporterComponentId elements are the same. They identify the component type, name, operating system, and network location. The content of these attributes provides vertical correlation of the stack of IT resources that are active when the Common Base Event is created.
Also included in the CommonBaseEvent element are contextDataElements elements that describe the context in which the situation occurred. This context correlates Common Base Event instances that are part of the same work. This correlation is called horizontal correlation because an instance of a particular context type correlates events at the same level of abstraction, for example at the business level, the application level, or at the middleware level.
Extended data elements contain additional data used to describe a situation. In this example, an extended data element is added by WAS to describe the J2EE component that generated the Common Base Event instance and some application data.
Related concepts:
The Common Base Event in WAS
Add logging and tracing to the application
Common Base Event structure