WAS v8.5 > Reference > Log and trace file descriptionsMessage data
All problem determination Common Base Events must provide human readable text that describes the specific reported event within the msg field of the Common Base Event.
The text associated with events representing actual messages or log entries is expected to be translated and localized. Include the msgDataElement element in the Common Base Event whenever internationalized text is provided in the event. This element provides information about how the message text is created and how to interpret it. This information is particularly invaluable when trying to interpret the event programmatically or when trying to interpret the message independent of the locale or language used to format the message text.
Prerequisite: Understand the concepts associated with creating internationalized messages. A good source of education on these concepts is provided by the documentation associated with internationalization of Java information and the usage of resource bundles within the Java language.The msgDataElement element in the Common Base Event includes the following information about the value of the msg field provided with an event:
- The locale of the supplied message text, which identifies how the locale-independent fields within the message are formatted, as well as the language of the message (msgLocale).
- A locale-independent identifier associated with the message that can be used to interpret the message independent of the message language, message locale, and message format (msgId and msgIdType).
- Information on how a translated message is created, including:
- The identifier used to retrieve the message template (msgCatalogId).
- The name and type of message catalog used to retrieve the message template (msgCatalog and msgCatalogType).
- Any locale-independent information that is inserted into the message template to create the final message (msgCatalogTokens).
The Common Base Event specification [CBE101] provides information on the required format of these fields and the Common Base Event Developer’s Guide [CBEBASE] provides general usage guidelines. This section provides additional information about how to format and use these fields for problem determination events.
- msg
- All message, log, and trace events must provide a human-readable message in the msg field of the Common Base Event. The msg field is required for problem determination events, both log events and diagnostic events. This field is more restrictive than the base specification for the Common Base Event, which lists this field as optional; effective and efficient problem determination requires the ability to identify the reported condition.
The format and usage of this message is component-specific, but use the following general guidelines:
- Expect the message text supplied with messages and log events to be internationalized.
- Provide the locale of the supplied message text with the msgLocale field in the msgDataElement element of the Common Base Event.
- Provide additional information regarding the format and construction of internationalized messages whenever possible, using the msgDataElement element of the Common Base Event.
- msgLocale
- Provide the message locale whenever message text is provided within the Common Base Event, as is the case with all problem determination events. The msgLocale field is listed as an optional value within the Common Base Event specification, but provide this information within problem determination events whenever possible. The reason this field is not required for problem determination events is that instances exist where the locale information is not provided or available when formatting the Common Base Event.
- msgId and msgIdType
- Several companies include a locale-independent identifier within internationalized message text used to interpret the described condition by the message text, independent of the message. For example, most messages issued by IBM software look like IEE890I WTO Buffers in console backup storage = 1024, where a unique, locale-independent identifier IEE890I precedes the translated message text. This identifier provides a way to uniquely detect and identify a message independent of location and language. This detection is invaluable for locale-independent and programmatic analysis.
- The msgId field is listed as an optional value within the Common Base Event specification, but it must be provided within problem determination events whenever this identifier is included in the message text. Likewise, the msgIdType field is listed as an optional value within the Common Base Event specification, but it must be provided within problem determination events whenever a value is supplied for msgId. Do not supply these fields when the message text is not translated or localized, for example, for trace events.
- msgCatalogId
- The msgCatalogId field is listed as an optional value within the Common Base Event specification, but provide this value whenever the Common Base Event includes localized or translated message text, for example when providing problem determination events that represent issued messages or log events. This field is not required for problem determination events because not all problem determination events include translated message text Some cases exist where the value is not provided or available when formatting the Common Base Event. Do not supply this field when the message text is not translated or localized, for example, for trace events.
- msgCatalogTokens
- The msgCatalogTokens field is listed as an optional value within the Common Base Event specification, but provide this value whenever the Common Base Event includes localized or translated message text, for example when providing problem determination events that represent issued messages or log events. This field is not required for problem determination events because not all problem determination events include translated message text, and cases exist where the value is not provided or available when formatting the Common Base Event. This value contains the list of locale-independent values or message tokens that are inserted into the localized message text when creating a translated message.
- These values are difficult to extract from a translated message without knowing the translated message template used to create the message. Do not supply this field when the message text is not translated or localized
- The Common Base Event provides several mechanisms for providing additional data about an event, including this field, extended data elements, and extensions to the schema. Always use the msgCatalogTokens field to supply the list of message tokens that is included in the message text associated with an event.
These values can also be supplied in other parts of the Common Base Event, but they must be included in this field.
- msgCatalog and msgCatalogType
- The msgCatalog and msgCatalogType fields are listed as optional values within the Common Base Event specification, but provide this value whenever the Common Base Event includes localized or translated message text, for example when providing problem determination events that represent issued messages or log events. These fields are not required for problem determination events because not all problem determination events include translated message text, and cases exist where the values are not provided or available when formatting the Common Base Event. Do not complete these fields when the message text has is not translated or localized, for example, for trace events.
Related concepts:
The Common Base Event in WAS
Add logging and tracing to the application
Common Base Event structure