WAS v8.5 > Reference > Log and trace file descriptions

Common Base Event factory

Use event factories to create Common Base Events and complete event properties with associated content handlers.

Content handlers populate data into Common Base Events when the Common Base Event invokes the complete method. All event properties set by the application code have priority over all properties specified by the content handler. Event factory implementations are tightly coupled with the content handler instance, which is associated with the event factory when the event factory is instantiated. Factory instances can be retrieved only from their associated event factory home. Event factory instances are retrieved and maintained based on unique names. Event factory names are hierarchical; they are represented using the standard Java dot-delimited, name-space naming conventions.

More details can be found in the API documentation for org.eclipse.hyades.logging.events.cbe.EventFactory at www.eclipse.org/hyades.


Logging with Common Base Event API and the Java logging API
Logging Common Base Events in WAS
Add logging and tracing to the application


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