WAS v8.5 > Reference > Sets

Tivoli Performance Viewer summary report types


The servlet summary lists all servlets that are running in the current application server. Use the servlet summary view to find the most time intensive servlets and the applications that use them, and to determine which servlets are invoked most often. We can sort the summary table by any of the columns.


Enterprise beans

The EJB summary lists all enterprise beans running in the server, the amount of time spent in their methods, the number of EJB invocations, and the total time spent in each enterprise bean.

Sort the various columns to find the most expensive enterprise bean. Also, if the PMI counters are enabled for individual EJB methods, there is a check box next to the EJB name that we can select to see statistics for each of the methods.


EJB methods

The EJB method summary shows statistics for each EJB method. Use the EJB method summary to find the most costly methods of your enterprise beans.


Connection pools

The connection pool summary lists all data source connections that are defined in the application server and shows their usage over time.


Thread Pools

The thread pool summary shows the usage of all thread pools in the application server over time.


PMI levels and counters required

To view Tivoli Performance Viewer summary reports, the minimum PMI level must be enabled. Otherwise, use the custom monitoring level, and enable the PMI level counters required for the specific report to view.

Required properties for Tivoli Performance Viewer summary reports. The Tivoli Performance Viewer summary reports are generated upon request and are not dynamically refreshed

Summary Report PMI level required Custom PMI counters required
Servlets Basic

Web Applications.RequestCount
Web Applications.ServiceTime

Enterprise beans Basic

Enterprise Beans.MethodCallCount
Enterprise Beans.MethodResponseTime

EJB methods All


Connection pools Extended

JDBC Connection Pools.PoolSize
JDBC Connection Pools.AllocateCount
JDBC Connection Pools.ReturnCount

Thread pools Extended

Thread Pools.PoolSize
Thread Pools.ActiveCount


Enable PMI data page
View Tivoli Performance Viewer summary reports


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