WAS v8.5 > Reference > Administrator best practices

MBean cache statistics

Use this page as a reference for properties of MBean cache statistics.

We can use the PMI data for dynamic cache to monitor the behavior and performance of the dynamic cache service. For information on the functions and usages of dynamic cache, refer to Tasks: Using the dynamic cache service to improve performance.

MBean cache statistics

MBean cache statistics.. Displays references for MBean cache statistics properties.

MBean attributes Description
CacheHits The total number of cache hits.
CacheLruRemoves The number of memory-based least recently used (LRU) evictions. These correspond to the number of objects that are evicted from the memory cache, based on the LRU policy.
CacheMisses The total number of cache misses.
CacheRemoves The total number of cache removes.
DependencyIdsOnDisk Metric that captures the total number of dependency identifiers that are currently on disk.
DependencyIdsBufferedForDisk Metric that captures the number of dependency identifiers that are buffered in memory for the disk.
DependencyIdsOffloadedToDisk Metric that captures the number of dependency IDs that are off-loaded to disk since the server startup. This is a cumulative count.
DependencyIdBasedInvalidationsFromDisk Metric that captures the number of dependency ID-based invalidations that have occurred since server startup.
DiskCacheSizeInMB The total size of data objects in MB.
ExplicitInvalidationsFromMemory Metric that captures the number of explicit invalidations that result in an entry being removed from memory.
ExplicitInvalidationsFromDisk Metric that captures the number of explicit invalidations that result in an entry being removed from disk.
ExplicitInvalidationsLocal Metric that captures the number of explicit invalidations that are generated locally.
ExplicitInvalidationRemote Metric that captures the number of explicit invalidations that generate from a cooperating Java virtual machine (JVM) in the cluster.
GarbageCollectorInvalidationsFromDisk This counter increments when the garbage collector evicts entries from the disk. If an entry is not expired, this counter increments. If an entry is expired, the TotalTimeoutInvalidationsFromDisk increments.
MemoryCacheEntries The number of cache entries in memory.
ObjectsDeleteFromDisk Metric that captures the number of cached objects that are deleted from disk.
ObjectsDeleteFromDisk4K Metric that captures the number of objects that have been deleted from disk and are smaller than 4K.
ObjectsDeleteFromDisk40K Metric that captures the number of objects that have been deleted from disk and are between 4K and 40K.
ObjectsDeleteFromDisk400K Metric that captures the number of objects that have been deleted from disk and are between 40K and 400K.
ObjectsDeleteFromDisk4000K Metric that captures the number of objects that have been deleted from disk and are between 400K and 400K.
ObjectsDeleteFromDiskSize Metric that captures the cumulative size of cached objects that are deleted from disk.
ObjectsOnDisk Metric that captures the number of cache entries that are currently on disk.
ObjectsReadFromDisk Metric that captures the number of cached objects that are read from disk.
ObjectsReadFromDisk4K Metric that captures the number of objects that have been read from disk and are smaller than 4K.
ObjectsReadFromDisk40K Metric that captures the number of objects that have been read from disk and are between 4K and 40K.
ObjectsReadFromDisk400K Metric that captures the number of objects that have been read from disk and are between 40K and 400K.
ObjectsReadFromDiskSize Metric that captures the cumulative size of cached objects that are read from disk.
ObjectsWriteToDisk Metric that captures the number of cached objects that are written to disk.
ObjectsWriteToDisk4K Metric that captures the number of objects that are written to disk and are smaller than 4K.
ObjectsWriteToDisk40K Metric that captures the number of objects that are written to disk and are between 4K and 40K.
ObjectsWriteToDisk400K Metric that captures the number of objects that are written to disk and are between 40K and 400K.
ObjectsWriteToDisk4000K Metric that captures the number of objects that are written to disk and are between 400K and 4000K.
ObjectsWrittenToDiskSize Metric that captures the cumulative size of cached objects that are written to disk.
OverflowInvalidationsFromDisk This counter increments when the limit of disk cache size or disk cache size in GB is reached. It may be removed from memory and not offloaded to disk. In addition, when performing write entry to disk, write dependency ID to disk, write template to disk, if the total disk cache files in GB is over disk cache size in GB, the entry will not write to disk. This counter increments.
PendingRemovalFromDisk Metric that captures the number of objects that have been invalidated due to an explicit event, such as an invalidation, or some implicit event, such as a timeout or eviction policy, but are yet to be removed from disk.
PushPullTableSize Metric that captures the size of the current PushPullTable.
RemoteInvalidationNotifications The number of remote invalidation notifications from other servers since server startup.
RemoteObjectFetchSize The size of requests for cacheable objects served from other JVMs in the cluster. (PushPull mode)
RemoteObjectHits The number of requests for cacheable objects served from other JVMs in the cluster. (PushPull mode)
RemoteObjectMisses The number of requests for cacheable objects that were not found from other JVMs in the cluster. (PushPull mode)
RemoteObjectUpdates The number of cacheable objects that are received from other JVMs in the cluster. (Push mode)
RemoteObjectUpdateSize The size of cacheable objects that are received from other JVMs in the cluster. (Push mode)
RemoteUpdateNotifications The number of notifications that identify that an object is updated at another server. (The number of entries in the push-pull table).
TemplateBasedInvalidationsFromDisk Number of template-based invalidations since the server startup.
TemplatesBufferedForDisk Number of templates that are buffered for the disk.
TimeoutInvalidationFromDisk Metric that captures the number of timeout invalidations that result in an entry being removed from disk.
TimeoutInvalidationsFromMemory Metric that captures the number of timeout invalidations that result in an entry being removed from memory.
TemplatesOffloadedToDisk Number of templates that are off-loaded to disk since the server startup.
TemplatesOnDisk Metric that captures the number of templates on disk.


Monitoring overall system health


Dynamic cache MBean statistics
PMI data organization


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