WAS v8.5 > Reference > Developer best practicesDynamic and deployment EJB query services comparison
We can use the dynamic query service to build and execute queries against entity beans constructed dynamically at run time, rather than defining them at deployment time. By using dynamic query you gain the flexibility of queries defined at run time and utilize the power of EJB-Query Language (QL). Apart from supporting all of the capabilities of an EJB-QL query, dynamic query adds functionality not available to standard static query. Two examples are the ability to select multiple data fields directly from the bean itself (static queries currently only allow one) and executing business methods directly in the query.
We can effectively create more efficient and less resource intensive applications with dynamic query. For example, two data fields are required from the results of a query. Because a standard EJB-QL query can only select one data field, it is necessary to select the entire EJB object and extract the needed data from the returned results through data access methods, possibly traversing Container Managed Relationships (CMR) boundaries in the process. However, when using dynamic query, we can get both pieces of data directly from the query without additional CMR traversal or accessor methods. This principle is the key to evaluating whether or not dynamic query can be used for performance gain. You should review the amount of data that must be retrieved, in addition to the amount of business logic needed to retrieve it, for example, CMR traversal or accessor methods.
Using parameters in the query rather than literal values is another performance consideration. Under most circumstances, it is better to define conditional values as parameters in the query and then pass those parameters through the appropriate mechanisms. By using this method, we have a greater chance of matching a cached query plan, and you eliminate the need to parse and build the plan from scratch. For example, "SELECT Object(o) FROM schemaname AS o WHERE o.fieldname LIKE foo", is more appropriately expressed as "SELECT Object(o) FROM schemaname AS o WHERE o.fieldname LIKE ?1" with the value foo passed as a parameter to the executeQuery method. The result is that any subsequent execution of a dynamic query structure that is the same, except for different string literal conditions, is registered as a plan cache hit (which delivers better "observed" performance).
When used as a direct replacement for an equivalent static query, dynamic query is approximately 25% slower than the static variation. This slowdown is due to the need for parsing and building a plan for the query, in addition to executing it. In the static variation, these costs are paid at deploy time. Despite this, the added functionality gained through the use of dynamic query, specifically the ability to select multiple data fields in a single query even across CMRs, creates opportunities to utilize dynamic query for the sake of performance improvement.
Use EJB query
Use the dynamic query service