WAS v8.5 > Reference > Administrator best practicesConfiguration properties for the Resource Adapter for JMS with WAS
As part of deploying the Resource Adapter for JMS with WebSphere Application Server, configure a set of JMS resources the deployed resource adapter instance supports.
The following tables list the JMS properties and their values.
Not all properties available to applications running inside the WAS environment are available in third party environments. Some properties have no meaning outside of the WAS environment and some have no meaning for remotely connected clients.
Connection factory properties. The first column of the table lists the connection factory property names. The second column provides the description of the properties. The third column provides the permitted values for the properties if they are available. The fourth column includes the default values if they are available for the properties.
Property name Description Permitted values Default BusName The name of the service integration bus to connect to. ClientID The JMS client identifier needed for durable topic subscriptions on all connections created using this connection factory. UserName Password NonPersistentMapping The reliability applied to nonpersistent JMS messages sent using this connection factory. BestEffortNonPersistent, ExpressNonPersistent, ReliableNonPersistent ExpressNonPersistent PersistentMapping The reliability applied to persistent JMS messages sent using this connection factory. ReliablePersistent, AssuredPersistent ReliablePersistent DurableSubscriptionHome The name of the messaging engine used to store messages delivered to durable subscriptions for objects created from this JMS connection factory. ReadAhead Read ahead is an optimization that preemptively assigns messages to consumers. This improves the time taken to satisfy consumer requests. AlwaysOn, AlwaysOff, Default Default Target The name of a target that identifies a group of messaging engines. Specify the type of target using the Target type property. TargetType The type of target named in the Target property. BusMember, Custom, ME BusMember TargetSignificance The significance of the target group. Required, Preferred Required TargetTransportChain The name of the protocol that resolves to a group of messaging engines. ProviderEndpoints The list of comma separated endpoints used to connect to a bootstrap server. ConnectionProximity The proximity of messaging engines that can accept connection requests, in relation to the bootstrap messaging engine. Server, Cluster, Host, Bus Bus TemporaryQueueNamePrefix The prefix of up to twelve characters used for names of temporary queues created by applications that use this connection factory. TemporaryTopicNamePrefix The prefix used at the start of temporary topics created by applications that use this connection factory. ShareDurableSubscriptions Controls whether durable subscriptions are shared across connections with members of a server cluster. InCluster, AlwaysShared, NeverShared InCluster (always resolves to AlwaysOff as the client is always outside of a WAS clustered server) ProducerDoesNotModify
PayloadAfterSetWhen enabled, Object or Bytes messages sent by a message producing application that has connected to the bus using this connection factory will not have their data copied when set and the system will only serialize the message data when absolutely necessary. Applications sending such messages must not modify the data once it has been set into the message. true, false false
Queue Connection factory properties. The first column of the table lists the queue connection factory property names. The second column provides the description of the properties. The third column provides the permitted values for the properties if they are available. The fourth column includes the default values if they are available for the properties.
Property name Description Permitted values Default BusName The name of the service integration bus to connect to. UserName Password NonPersistentMapping The reliability applied to nonpersistent JMS messages sent using this connection factory. BestEffortNonPersistent, ExpressNonPersistent, ReliableNonPersistent ExpressNonPersistent PersistentMapping The reliability applied to persistent JMS messages sent using this connection factory. ReliablePersistent, AssuredPersistent ReliablePersistent ReadAhead Read ahead is an optimization that preemptively assigns messages to consumers. This improves the time taken to satisfy consumer requests. AlwaysOn, AlwaysOff, Default Default Target The name of a target that identifies a group of messaging engines. Specify the type of target using the Target type property. TargetType The type of target named in the Target property. BusMember, Custom, ME BusMember TargetSignificance The significance of the target group. Required, Preferred Required TargetTransportChain The name of the protocol that resolves to a group of messaging engines. ProviderEndpoints The list of comma separated endpoints used to connect to a bootstrap server. ConnectionProximity The proximity of messaging engines that can accept connection requests, in relation to the bootstrap messaging engine. Server, Cluster, Host, Bus Bus TemporaryQueueNamePrefix The prefix of up to twelve characters used for names of temporary queues created by applications that use this connection factory. ProducerDoesNotModify
PayloadAfterSetWhen enabled, Object or Bytes messages sent by a message producing application that has connected to the bus using this connection factory will not have their data copied when set and the system will only serialize the message data when absolutely necessary. Applications sending such messages must not modify the data once it has been set into the message. true, false false
Topic Connection factory properties. The first column of the table lists the topic connection factory property names. The second column provides the description of the topic connection factory properties. The third column provides the permitted values for the properties if they are available. The fourth column includes the default values if they are available for the properties.
Property name Description Permitted values Default BusName The name of the service integration bus to connect to. ClientID The JMS client identifier needed for durable topic subscriptions on all connections created using this connection factory. UserName Password NonPersistentMapping The reliability applied to nonpersistent JMS messages sent using this connection factory. BestEffortNonPersistent, ExpressNonPersistent, ReliableNonPersistent ExpressNonPersistent PersistentMapping The reliability applied to persistent JMS messages sent using this connection factory. ReliablePersistent, AssuredPersistent ReliablePersistent DurableSubscriptionHome The name of the messaging engine used to store messages delivered to durable subscriptions for objects created from this JMS connection factory. ReadAhead Read ahead is an optimization that preemptively assigns messages to consumers. This improves the time taken to satisfy consumer requests. AlwaysOn, AlwaysOff, Default Default Target The name of a target that identifies a group of messaging engines. Specify the type of target using the Target type property. TargetType The type of target named in the Target property. BusMember, Custom, ME BusMember TargetSignificance The significance of the target group. Required, Preferred Required TargetTransportChain The name of the protocol that resolves to a group of messaging engines. ProviderEndpoints The list of comma separated endpoints used to connect to a bootstrap server. ConnectionProximity The proximity of messaging engines that can accept connection requests, in relation to the bootstrap messaging engine. Server, Cluster, Host, Bus Bus TemporaryTopicNamePrefix The prefix used at the start of temporary topics created by applications that use this connection factory. ShareDurableSubscriptions Controls whether durable subscriptions are shared across connections with members of a server cluster. InCluster, AlwaysShared, NeverShared InCluster (always resolves to AlwaysOff as the client is always outside of a WAS clustered server) ProducerDoesNotModify
PayloadAfterSetWhen enabled, Object or Bytes messages sent by a message producing application that has connected to the bus using this connection factory will not have their data copied when set and the system will only serialize the message data when absolutely necessary. Applications sending such messages must not modify the data once it has been set into the message. true, false false
Queue properties. The first column of the table lists the queue property names. The second column provides the description of the queue properties. The third column provides the permitted values for the properties if they are available. The fourth column includes the default values if they are available for the properties.
Property name Description Permitted values Default QueueName The name of the associated queue on the service integration bus. DeliveryMode The delivery mode for messages sent to this destination. This controls the persistence of messages on this destination. Application, Persistent, NonPersistent TimeToLive The default length of time in milliseconds from its dispatch time that a message sent to this destination should be kept by the system. Priority The relative priority for messages sent to this destination, in the range 0 to 9, with 0 as the lowest priority and 9 as the highest priority. ReadAhead Read ahead is an optimization that preemptively assigns messages to consumers. This improves the time taken to satisfy consumer requests. AlwaysOn, AlwaysOff, AsConnection, Default AsConnection BusName The name of the service integration bus to connect to. ScopeToLocalQP Sets whether the service integration bus queue destination identified by this Queue is dynamically scoped to a single queue point if one exists on the messaging engine the application is connected to. On, Off Off ProducerPreferLocal Sets whether a MessageProducer for this Queue should prefer a locally connected queue point of the service integration bus queue destination over any other queue points. On, Off On ProducerBind Set whether messages sent by a single MessageProducer to this Queue will go to the same service integration bus queue point, or whether no such restriction will be applied, and different messages will be sent to different queue points. On, Off Off GatherMessages Set whether messages on all service integration bus queue points or only a single queue point are visible to MessageConsumers and QueueBrowsers that use this Queue. On, Off Off
Topic properties. The first column of the table lists the topic property names. The second column provides the description of the topic properties. The third column provides the permitted values for the properties if they are available. The fourth column includes the default values if they are available for the properties.
Property name Description Permitted values Default TopicSpace The name of the topic space containing the topic, on the service integration bus defined by the BusName property. Default.Topic.Space TopicName The name of the topic that this JMS topic is assigned to, in the topic space defined by the TopicSpace property DeliveryMode The delivery mode for messages sent to this destination. This controls the persistence of messages on this destination. Application, Persistent, NonPersistent TimeToLive The default length of time in milliseconds from its dispatch time that a message sent to this destination should be kept by the system. Priority The relative priority for messages sent to this destination, in the range 0 to 9, with 0 as the lowest priority and 9 as the highest priority. ReadAhead Read ahead is an optimization that preemptively assigns messages to consumers. This improves the time taken to satisfy consumer requests. AlwaysOn, AlwaysOff, AsConnection, Default AsConnection BusName The name of the service integration bus to connect to.
Activation configuration properties. The first column of the table lists the activation configuration property names. The second column provides the description of the activation configuration properties. The third column provides the permitted values for the properties if they are available. The fourth column includes the default values if they are available for the properties.
Property name Description Permitted values Default Required/optional Destination The name of the destination on the service integration bus. Required ProviderEndpoints The list of comma separated endpoints used to connect to a bootstrap server. Required DestinationType Whether the message-driven bean uses a queue or topic destination. javax.jms.Queue, javax.jms.Topic Required BusName The name of the service integration bus to connect to. Required MessageSelector The JMS message selector used to determine which messages the message-driven bean receives. The value is a string used to select a subset of the available messages. The syntax is based on a subset of the SQL 92 conditional expression syntax, as described in the JMS specification. Optional AcknowledgeMode How the session acknowledges any messages it receives. Auto-acknowledge, Dups-ok-acknowledge Auto-acknowledge Optional SubscriptionDurability Whether a JMS topic subscription is durable or nondurable. Durable, Nondurable Nondurable Optional SubscriptionName The subscription name needed for durable topic subscriptions. Required field when using a durable topic subscription. Optional MaxBatchSize Maximum number of messages received from the messaging engine in a single batch. 1 through 2147483647 1 Optional MaxConcurrency Maximum number of endpoints to which messages are delivered concurrently 1 through 2147483647 10 Optional RetryInterval The delay (in seconds) between attempts to connect to a messaging engine. 1 through 2147483647 30 Optional UserName Optional Password Optional DurableSubscriptionHome The name of the messaging engine used to store messages delivered to durable subscriptions for objects created from this JMS connection factory. Optional ShareDurableSubscriptions Controls whether durable subscriptions are shared across connections with members of a server cluster. InCluster, AlwaysShared, NeverShared InCluster (always resolves to AlwaysOff as the client is always outside of a WAS clustered server) Optional ClientID The JMS client identifier needed for durable topic subscriptions on all connections created using this connection factory. Optional TargetTransportChain The name of the protocol that resolves to a group of messaging engines. Optional ReadAhead Read ahead is an optimization that preemptively assigns messages to consumers. This improves the time taken to satisfy consumer requests. AlwaysOn, AlwaysOff, Default Default Optional Target The name of a target that identifies a group of messaging engines. Specify the type of target using the Target type property. Optional TargetType The type of target named in the Target property. BusMember, Custom, ME BusMember Optional TargetSignificance The significance of the target group. Required, Preferred Required Optional TopicSpace The name of the topic space containing the topic, on the service integration bus defined by the BusName property. Default.Topic.Space Optional ForwarderDoesNotModify
PayloadAfterSetWhen enabled, Object/Bytes messages forwarded through this activation specification that have their payload modified will not have the data copied when it is set into the message and the system will only serialize the message data when absolutely necessary. Applications sending such messages must not modify the data once it has been set into the message. true, false false Optional