WAS v8.5 > Reference > Configuration file descriptionsClient application Java Network Launcher Protocol deployment descriptor file
The deployment descriptor file is the main Java Network Launcher Protocol (JNLP) descriptor file for the client application.
The client application has an Application Clients runtime dependency that provides the following:
- Java SE Runtime Environment from IBM
- Application Clients run-time properties
- SSL KeyStore and TrustStore file
- Application Clients run-time library JAR files (optional for Thin Application client applications)
If the Application Clients run-time dependency is not met, it is downloaded and installed in Java Web Start (JWS), as described by the Application Clients run-time installer JNLP descriptor file. For example:
<j2se version="1.6" href="http://your_server.com/jws/wasappclient/download.jnlp"/>
Usage notes
The client application must also include the WebSphereClientLauncher.jar file, which contains the launcher class, com.ibm.websphere.client.launcher.ClientLauncher, that completes one of the following actions:
- If it is a Java EE Application client application (that is the resources for the application contain an EAR file with a client application), the EAR file must be specified as a JAR resource so that it can be downloaded to JWS and specified in the system property, com.ibm.websphere.client.launcher.ear. See JNLP descriptor file for a Java EE Application client application for an example.
- If it is a Thin Application client application, the Thin Application client application JAR file must be specified as a JAR resource so that it can be downloaded to JWS and the name of the class containing main method entry point is specified in the system property, com.ibm.websphere.launcher.main. See JNLP descriptor file for a Thin Application client application for an example.
The JNLP specification requires all the resource (JAR or EAR) files used in a JNLP file to be signed.
We can specify the –CC arguments defined in the launchClient tool for a J2EE Application client application in application arguments section of the JNLP descriptor files. However, only –CCD is supported for a Thin Application client application to define system properties and the JNLP <property> tag can also be used to define system properties. Example for details:
<property name="java.naming.provider.url" value="corbaloc:iiop:myserver.com:9089"/>
For a J2EE Application client application, specify the following application arguments as defined in the JNLP.
- Specify your target server provider URL, as shown in the following example:
<argument> >-CCDjava.naming.provider.url =corbaloc:iiop:myserver.mydomain.com:9080 </argument>
- Specify the SSL Key File and SSL Trust File location. These files are expected to be available in the client machine. To use the ones in the Application Clients run-time dependency installed in JWS cache, specify these application arguments:
<argument> -CCDcom.ibm.ssl.keyStore=${WAS_ROOT}/etc/key.p12 </argument> <argument> -CCDcom.ibm.ssl.trustStore=${WAS_ROOT}/etc/trust.p12 </argument>
- Specify the initial naming context factor, as shown in the following example:
<argument>-CCDjava.naming.factory.initial=com.ibm.websphere.naming.WsnInitialContextFactory </argument>
For a Thin Application client application, you also need to specify the actual location of the sas.client.props and ssl.client.props files located in the Application Clients runtime dependency that is installed in the JWS cache.
<argument>-CCDcom.ibm.CORBA.ConfigURL=file:${WAS_ROOT}/properties/sas.client.props </argument> <argument>-CCDcom.ibm.SSL.ConfigURL=file:${WAS_ROOT}/properties/ssl.client.props </argument>
If any of the default settings in the sas.client.props and sas.client.props file need modifying, use the –CCD to change the settings through the system properties, as shown in the following example:
<argument>-CCDjavacom.ibm.CORBA.securityEnabled=false </argument>
The ${WAS_ROOT} token used in the JNLP file is replaced by the launcher class, com.ibm.websphere.client.launcher.ClientLauncher, to the actual location of the Application Clients run-time dependency installation in the JWS cache. If we are using JSP to dynamically create this JNLP description file, escape this token because it has a different meaning in JSP 2.0. Example for details:
<argument>-CCDcom.ibm.ssl.keyStore=\${WAS_ROOT}/etc/key.p12 </argument> <argument>-CCDcom.ibm.ssl.trustStore=\${WAS_ROOT}/etc/trust.p12 </argument>
- JNLP descriptor file for a Java EE Application client application
The deployment descriptor file is the main Java Network Launcher Protocol (JNLP) descriptor file for the client application.- JNLP descriptor file for a Thin Application client application
The deployment descriptor file is the main Java Network Launcher Protocol (JNLP) descriptor file for the client application. If it is a Thin Application client application, then the launcher class uses the current JVM from the Application Clients run-time dependency and invokes the Thin Application client application main method.- ClientLauncher class
The class, com.ibm.websphere.client.installer.ClientLauncher, contains a main() method that is called by Java Web Start (JWS) to launch the client application. The Java Web Start client is used with platforms that support a web browser.- Application client launcher for Java Web Start
The application client launcher for Java Web Start is a Java class, com.ibm.websphere.client.installer.ClientLauncher, which has a main() method that Java Web Start calls to start the application client container and to invoke the application client's main() method. It provides similar functions as the lauchClient command line tool to start application clients from the command line.- JNLP descriptor file for a Java EE Application client application
The deployment descriptor file is the main Java Network Launcher Protocol (JNLP) descriptor file for the client application.- JNLP descriptor file for a Thin Application client application
The deployment descriptor file is the main Java Network Launcher Protocol (JNLP) descriptor file for the client application. If it is a Thin Application client application, then the launcher class uses the current JVM from the Application Clients run-time dependency and invokes the Thin Application client application main method.- ClientLauncher class
The class, com.ibm.websphere.client.installer.ClientLauncher, contains a main() method that is called by Java Web Start (JWS) to launch the client application. The Java Web Start client is used with platforms that support a web browser.- Application client launcher for Java Web Start
The application client launcher for Java Web Start is a Java class, com.ibm.websphere.client.installer.ClientLauncher, which has a main() method that Java Web Start calls to start the application client container and to invoke the application client's main() method. It provides similar functions as the lauchClient command line tool to start application clients from the command line.
Prepare the application client run time dependency component for Java Web Start
Downloading and running a Java EE client application using Java Web Start
launchClient tool