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Web fragments

When developing web applications, if multiple web modules use the same components, consider including the components in a Web fragment JAR file. The web fragment JAR file contains both the configuration metadata and component class files. This practice enables easier copying from application to application.

Web module deployment descriptor fragments (web fragments) provide the same configuration metadata that a web.xml file provides, but they exist as a web-fragment.xml file that is packaged inside a JAR file in the WEB-INF/lib directory.

Framework developers provide JAR files that are included in a web application which uses that specific framework. If that framework uses servlets, filters, or other web module configuration, web fragments provide the ability to simply drag the JAR file into an application without requiring changes to the existing web module configuration. Previously, web application developers were required to augment their configuration with additional metadata required by the framework. Another use case is the aforementioned need to use the same components across web modules. Also, the use of mock objects or stubs might be made easier with Web fragments.

Scanning for web fragments decreases performance for each JAR file that it checks for a web-fragment.xml file. The higher the number of JAR files in a web application, the higher the performance impact. If performance concerns demand, disable scanning for web fragments by setting metadata-complete to true and include any necessary configuration in web.xml.

Disabling the scanning of web fragments also disables annotation scanning. If you need either of these, both are scanned.

Set the metadata-complete element in web.xml to true to disable fragment scanning. Use the absolute-ordering tag in web.xml to force an order for scanning web fragments or scan a subset of the web fragments. Use the relative-ordering tag in web-fragment.xml files to specify order relative to another fragment.

Including fragments in a web application might inadvertently expose endpoints to security risks if you are unaware of servlets, filters, or security constraints that are included in a web fragment. Verify that all configured servlets, filters, and security constraints are functioning as expected.

If there is a conflict in the web fragments, applications will not deploy. If there is conflict when installing the application, view the SystemOut.log file to understand which items are conflicting.

IBM recommends using the HPEL log and trace infrastructure. With HPEL, one views logs using the LogViewer command-line tool in PROFILE/bin.

General rules for merging web fragments and annotations in the Servlet 3.0 specification:



Troubleshoot applications with HPEL


Web applications: Resources for learning
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