WAS v8.5 > Develop applications > Develop web applications > Develop web applications > Develop JSP files > JSP batch compilationBatch compiler class path
The batch compiler builds its class path as shown in the table later in this topic. When the batch compiler target is a WAR file and war.path is supplied, the configuration additional.classpath parameter is used to give extra class path information.
Batch compiler . Batch compiler target.
Location added to class path enterpriseapp.name ear.path war.path WebSphere Application Server JAR files and classes yes yes yes JAR files listed in manifest class path for a web module yes yes yes, when the target WAR is inside an EAR and –extractToDir is not used; otherwise, no. Shared libraries yes no no Web module JAR files and classes yes yes yes additional.classpath parameter to batch compiler no no yes
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JSPBatchCompiler command
Web applications: Resources for learning
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Batch compiler ant task