WAS v8.5 > End-to-end paths > Web services - RESTful services

Use JAX-RS context objects to obtain more information about requests

Java API for RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS) provides different types of context to resource classes and providers. We can use context objects to access request information such as discovering the HTTP headers sent as part of the request. Context objects also provide convenience methods for evaluating a request and building an appropriate response.

REST application resources might have a need to inspect some application context data upon invocation. For example, a resource method that processes an HTTP GET query might want to inspect the HTTP headers of the request for the Accept-Language HTTP header so the method can output a response in the language specified by the request.

JAX-RS defines a simple way to retrieve this data within the scope of the application resource. By declaring the @Context annotation with the appropriate object as a parameter to a resource method or as a field within the resource class, the data you want is injected into the resource. The JAX-RS implementation populates the parameter or field with the contextual data, and the resource method has access to all the contextual data it needs.

We can use the following interface types that are injectable by the JAX-RS runtime environment:

Interface types Description
javax.ws.rs.core.UriInfo The UriInfo interface provides the complete URI specified by the request. This interface can also inspect which resource(s) matched the request URI.
javax.ws.rs.core.Request The Request interface provides information about the request, such as POST or GET. This interface can also evaluate preconditions based on request entity tags.
javax.ws.rs.core.HttpHeaders The HttpHeaders interface provides read-only access to all HTTP headers.
javax.ws.rs.core.SecurityContext The SecurityContext interface provides read-only information about security, such as authentication scheme or security principal.
javax.ws.rs.ext.Providers The Providers interface enables retrieval of ContextResolver, ExceptionMapper, MessageBodyWriter, or MessageBodyReader implementations.

In addition to the JAX-RS interface types, we can inject web container types, such as javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, using the @Context annotation as described in the JAX-RS specification.


  1. Configure the development environment.

  2. Define the resources in JAX-RS web applications.

    Resources are the basic building block of a RESTful service. Resources can contain static or dynamically updated data. Examples of resources from an online book store application include a book, an order from a store, and a collection of users. By identifying the resources in the application, we can make the service more useful and easier to develop.

  3. Configure the JAX-RS application

    We can configure JAX-RS applications in multiple ways depending on your needs. To take advantage of the Java EE 6 functionality, we can use the annotation scanning capabilities. By using annotation scanning, we can omit a JAX-RS javax.ws.rs.core.Application subclass or have a minimally defined javax.ws.rs.core.Application subclass. Alternatively, we can specify the IBM JAX-RS servlet or filter to use the functionality available in the IBM JAX-RS servlet and filter.

    Using one of the JAX-RS v1.1 configuration methods, we can omit a javax.ws.rs.core.Application subclass in the application or have a javax.ws.rs.core.Application subclass that returns an empty set of classes to inform the JAX-RS runtime environment to find and use all the JAX-RS classes in the application. You might want to use this method when we do not want to have to manually add every relevant JAX-RS class to a javax.ws.rs.core.Application subclass as you develop the application.

    By specifying the specific IBM JAX-RS servlet and filter, we can take advantage of and ensure specific IBM JAX-RS behavior. For example, using the IBM JAX-RS filter can be helpful in developing a web application with a mix of JAX-RS resources and JSP files with the same URL patterns.

    Even though there is a JAX-RS V1.1 configuration method that supports the use of an optional web.xml file, to specify security constraints or roles, or to take advantage of other features enabled using a web.xml file, specify the information in a web.xml file.

    Choose one of the following three methods to configure your JAX-RS application:

  4. Add context fields and parameters to obtain information about requests.

    We can obtain information about requests using HttpHeaders objects, UriInfo objects, Request objects, or SecurityContext objects.

  5. Assemble JAX-RS web applications

    After you develop the Java class files for the JAX-RS web application and edit web.xml to enable the JAX-RS servlet, you are ready to assemble the application. Assemble the web application into a WAR package. We can assemble the WAR package into an EAR package if required.

  6. Deploy JAX-RS web applications

    After we have assembled your JAX-RS web application, you need to deploy your Web archive (WAR) package or the EAR package onto the application server.


Obtain HTTP headers using HttpHeaders objects
Obtain information about URIs using UriInfo objects
Evaluate request preconditions using Request objects
Determine security information using SecurityContext objects
Web services specifications and APIs


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