WAS v8.5 > WebSphere applications > Managed beansManaged beans
The Managed Beans specification (JSR -316) is used to define managed beans for the Java Platform Enterprise Edition (EE) and is a part of the Java EE 6 platform.
Managed beans are container-managed objects with minimal supported services, such as resource injection, life cycle callbacks and interceptors, and have the following characteristics:
- A managed bean does not have its own component-scoped java:comp namespace. Therefore, its resources can be defined in java:app and java:module only.
- Managed beans are local beans only and cannot be defined in java:global.
- Managed bean methods run in the same thread as the calling thread. For example, the method does not start its own thread.
- Managed bean methods use the same context as the calling thread.
- Managed beans are defined with the javax.annotation.ManagedBean annotation.
- A managed bean can have an optional name and is bound into java:module and java:app only if a name is present; for example:
@ManagedBean(“myCart“) public class Cart { ... }- A reference to a managed bean can be obtained through resource injection, or lookup in java:module or java:app, when a name is specified.
- Managed beans support the PostConstruct and PreDestroy life cycle callbacks.