WAS v8.5 > TroubleshootUse Cross Component Trace (XCT) to troubleshoot applications
Use XCT to augment log and trace files with correlation information that clarifies which threads, and which application server processes, participated in the handling of each request.
- Enable XCT...
Troubleshooting | Logs and trace server | Change log detail levels | [Configuration|Runtime] | Enable log and trace correlation
- Include request IDs in log and trace records and correlation log records
- Include request IDs in log and trace records
- Create correlation log records
- Capture data snapshots
Request IDs are only recorded when using HPEL log and trace mode.
Data snapshots include message requests and responses handled by the SIBus, and are written to...
The application server does not automatically clean files from this directory. Manually delete periodically. Data snapshots store entire request and response contents and may include sensitive information. This option might not be appropriate for use in production environments.
Enabling XCT has a performance impact. Use in test and development environments. Capturing data snapshots means an addditional performance hit.
- Use XCT request ID information to track requests.
- Enable High Performance Extensible Logging (HPEL) log and trace mode.
Basic mode log and trace does not store request IDs.
- Enable XCT...
Troubleshooting | Logs and trace server | Change log detail levels | [Configuration|Runtime] | Enable log and trace correlation
- To see request ID information in the logs...
./logViewer.sh -minLevel WARNING -format advanced
- When we have found log entries that are of interest to you, note the request ID associated with those entries.
- Filter logs by request ID using LogViewer withe the request IDs noted in the previous step...
./logViewer.sh -includeExtensions requestID=<requestID>
- Use XCT correlation log records to determine the hierarchy of call chains.
- Enable XCT
Troubleshooting | Logs and trace server | Change log detail levels | [Configuration|Runtime] | Enable log and trace correlation
Include request IDs in log and trace records and correlation log records
- If we are using HPEL, convert logs to text with
For example...
./logViewer.sh -outLog myLog.txt
- To see the hierarchy of request call chains, use the WebSphere Cross Component Trace Logviewer tool, available with the IBM Support Assistant, to load log and trace files
- Configure XCT with wsadmin scripting
- Change from basic mode to HPEL logging and tracing
- Use IBM Support Assistant
- LogViewer command-line tool