Distributed work areas
Work area context propagates to a target object on a remote invocation on both bidirectional and non-bidirectional defined work area partitions. The propagation of work area context operates differently depending on whether a work area partition is defined as bidirectional. If the partition is defined as bidirectional, the context propagates from a target object back to the originator.
Non-bidirectional work area partitions (UserWorkArea partition)
If a remote invocation is issued from a thread associated with a work area, a copy of the work area is automatically propagated to the target object, which can use or ignore the information in the work area as necessary. If the calling application has a nested work area associated with it, a copy of the nested work area and all its ancestors is propagated to the target. The target application can locally modify the information, as allowed by the property modes, by creating additional nested work areas; this information is propagated to any remote objects it invokes. However, no changes made to a nested work area on a target object are propagated back to the calling object. The caller's work area is unaffected by changes made in the remote method.
Bidirectional work area partitions
If a remote invocation is issued from a thread associated with a work area, a copy of the work area is automatically propagated to the target object, which can use or ignore the information in the work area as necessary. If the calling application has a nested work area associated with it, a copy of the nested work area and all its ancestors is propagated to the target. The target application can locally modify the information, as allowed by the property modes, this information is propagated to any remote objects it invokes. In a partition that is not defined as bidirectional, a target application must begin a nested work area before making changes to the imported work area. However, if a partition is defined as bidirectional, a target application need not begin a nested work area before operating on an imported work area. By not beginning a nested work area, any new context set into the work area, or any context changes made by the target application, is not only propagated on future remote invocations but is also propagated back to the originating application (that is, the one who initiated the remote invocation) thus allowing bidirectional propagation of work area context. If the target application does not want new or changed context to propagate back to the originating application, then the target application must begin a nested work area to scope the context to its process. However, the new or changed context in the nested work area propagates on any future remote invocation the target application may make.
Related concepts
Work area property modes Work area partition service
Related tasks
Develop applications that use work areas Overriding work area properties Concept topic