Create DB2 for iSeries tables for schedulers
Create tables for scheduler on DB2 for iSeries databases using DDL or structured query language (SQL) files.
This task requires you to configure a database and make it available. See the " Create DB2 for iSeries databases for schedulers" topic for more information.
To create tables for scheduler on DB2 for iSeries databases, using DDL or structured query language (SQL) files, use these steps.
- Start a QShell session by running the following command from a CL command line:
- Create a new IFS directory under the profile directory:
mkdir profile_root/scheduler
Where profile_root is the fully qualified path of the directory containing the profile.
- Copy the following scripts to this new directory:
%WAS_HOME%/scheduler/createDB2iSeriesSchema.ddl %WAS_HOME%/scheduler/dropSchemaDB2iSeries.ddl
- Use a text editor, edit these scripts in the new directory. Replace all occurrences of @TABLE_PREFIX@ with collection_name, table_prefix where collection_name is the name of the collection that will be used to store the database files and is the collection that was created in the " Create DB2 for iSeries databases for schedulers" topic. The table_prefix precedes each table name.
- Use the iSeries Navigator to create the database files on the iSeries server.
- Start iSeries Navigator.
- Expand the iSeries icon to locate the system where to create the database files.
- Expand Database, and right-click the system database.
- Select Run SQL Scripts.
- Select File > Open.
- Navigate to the createDB2iSeriesSchema.ddl file in the profile directory.
- Select Run > All.
- Select View > Job Log to verify that the tables were created.
- Execute the following command to change our owner for the new database files to QEJBSVR:
The DB2 for iSeries tables and schema for the scheduler exist.
Related tasks
Create DB2 databases for schedulers Create DB2 for iSeries databases for schedulers Create DB2 tables for schedulers
Data source minimum required settings, by vendor