Extensions for this composition unit [Collection]
Add composite bundle extensions to, or remove them from, a composition unit containing an enterprise OSGi application.
After you import the enterprise bundle archive (EBA) file for the OSGi application as an asset, we can update versions of existing bundles but we cannot add extra bundles to the asset. However, after we have added the asset as a composition unit to a business-level application, we can extend the business-level application by adding one or more composite bundles to the composition unit. If we extend a deployed OSGi application, the composite bundle, including its constituent bundles, is downloaded when you save the changes.
To update an extension to one with newer constituent bundles, you remove the composite bundle from the composition unit then add a new version of the composite bundle.
To view this panel in the administrative console, click the following path:
Applications > Application Types > Business-level applications > application_name > composition_unit_name > [Additional Properties] Extensions for this composition unit
To browse or change the properties of a listed item, select its name in the list.
To act on one or more of the listed items, select the check boxes next to the names of the items on which to act, use the buttons provided.
To change which entries are listed, or to change the level of detail that is displayed for those entries, use the Filter settings.
To view read-only information about a composite bundle, click the composite bundle name in the list.
- Symbolic name
- The non-localizable name for this composite bundle.
- Version
- The version of this composite bundle. The composite bundle version is in the form n.n.n, for example 1.1.0.
The symbolic name, together with the version, uniquely identifies a composite bundle.
Label Action Add Add a new item to the list. Remove Remove the selected item from the list.
Parent topic: OSGi applications administrative console panels
Related concepts
Composite bundles
Related tasks
Extending a deployed OSGi application Develop a composite bundle Add or removing extensions for an OSGi composition unit Add or removing extensions for an OSGi composition unit using wsadmin commands
Related information:
Administrative console buttons Administrative console preferences