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Custom one to one LDAP to System Authorization Facility (SAF) mapping modules

We can customize Java Authentication and Authorization (JAAS) login configurations by writing a customized login mapping module.

WebSphere Application Server for z/OS has the ability to provide mapping from a remote method invocation (RMI) inbound request with LDAP credentials to the system authorization facility (SAF) Identity. The use case is a WAS on any platform configured to LDAP and sends a RMI/IIOP request to a second server configured to a SAF User Registry. The WebSphere Application Server (release 5.1 or later) sends a RMI request using LTPA Token representing the LDAP identity to the WAS for z/OS configured to SAF. The following figure illustrates this mapping.

Figure 1. Mapping from RMI inbound request with LDAP credentials to SAF Identity

The sample below is a JAAS RMI inbound login module that opens the LTPA token, extracts the LDAP userid, strips the cn=userID, and sets the WSCredential to the SAF userid. The sample inbound login module configured to the second server is only supported on WebSphere Application Server for z/OS release 6.1 or later.

The sample is really a hash login module in which the com.ibm.wsspi.security.token.AttributeNameConstants.WSCREDENTIAL_UNIQUEID is set to the desired z/OS SAF Identity. TheltpaLoginModule checks for a com.ibm.wsspi.security.token.AttributeNameConstants.WSCREDENTIAL_UNIQUEID that has been passed and uses the ID specified to build the appropriate security context for the user.

This sample module is configured as a RMI_INBOUND JAAS login module and must be specified at the top of the list followed by the ltpaLoginModule.

In the following sample, a Java EE identity is available to control the mapping to a SAF identity. The sample uses the hash login of Constants.WSCREDENTIAL value in the shared state.

The following code is a sample SampleLTPASAFMappingModule program. We can use this sample program "as is" or modify, compile, and install it in the WAS_HOME/classes directory.

// This program may be used, executed, copied, modified and // distributed without royalty for the purpose of developing, // using, marketing, or distributing.

package com.ibm.websphere.security;

import com.ibm.websphere.security.auth.CredentialDestroyedException;
import com.ibm.websphere.security.auth.WSPrincipal;
import com.ibm.websphere.security.cred.WSCredential;
import com.ibm.wsspi.security.auth.callback.Constants;
import com.ibm.wsspi.security.token.AttributeNameConstants;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.security.auth.Subject;
import javax.security.auth.callback.CallbackHandler;
import javax.security.auth.login.CredentialExpiredException;
import javax.security.auth.login.LoginException;
import javax.security.auth.spi.LoginModule;
import com.ibm.wsspi.security.token.WSSecurityPropagationHelper;
import com.ibm.websphere.security.auth.callback.WSCredTokenCallbackImpl;
import com.ibm.websphere.security.auth.WSLoginFailedException;

 * **
 * SampleLTPASAFMappingModule demonstrates a custom login module  * that maps the existing LTPA Token from the shared state to a UNIQUE ID to avoid the Login.
 * Typical use is a inbound LTPA Token generated from a different realm (perhaps a non z/OS Realm)
 * into a SAF User Registry.
 * The LTPA Token is used as the trusted identity token. 
 * ***
 * @author IBM Corporation
 * @version 1.0
 * @since 1.0
public class SampleLTPASAFMappingModule implements LoginModule
     * **
     * Constant that represents the name of this mapping module.  Whenever this sample
     * code is used to create a class with a different name, this value should be changed.
     * By default, this value is used as part of the sample audit token, and for debugging
     * purposes.
     * ***
    private final static String MAPPING_MODULE_NAME = "com.ibm.websphere.security.SampleLTPASAFMappingModule";

    private final static int MAXIMUM_NAME_LENGTH = 8;

     * **
     * Whether debugging is enabled for this Login Module.  This depends on the    * value of the "debug" option passed in from the LoginContext.
     * ***
    private boolean debugEnabled = false;
     * **
     * Inbound realm that this Login Module is to handle.  If there is no incoming 
     * property setting for onlyThisRealm, then this Login module will process all inbound      * request regardless of the incoming idenity realm within the LTPA token. 
     * ***
    private String onlyThisRealm = null;

     * **
     * Stores the Subject passed from the LoginContext.
     * ***
    private Subject subject;

     * **
     * Stores the CallbackHandler passed from the LoginContext.
     * ***
    private CallbackHandler callbackHandler;

     * **
     * Stores the shared state Map passed from the LoginContext.
     * ***
    private Map sharedState;

     * **
     * Stores the options Map passed from the LoginContext.
     * ***
    private Map options;

     * **
     * This value is used to store the success or failure of the login() method so      * that commit() and abort() can act differently in the two cases if so desired.
     * ***
    private boolean succeeded = false;

     * **Construct an uninitialized mapping module object.***
    public SampleLTPASAFMappingModule()

     * **Initialize this login module.***
     * **
     * This is called by the LoginContext after this login module is     * instantiated. The relevant information is passed from the LoginContext
     * to this login module. If the login module does not understand any of the data      * stored in the sharedState and options parameters, * they can be ignored.
     * ***
     * @param subject      *                The subject that this LoginContext is authenticating
     * @param callbackHandler
     *                A CallbackHandler for communicating with the end user to gather 
                      login information (e.g., username and password).
     * @param sharedState
     *                The state shared with other configured login modules.
     * @param options      *                The options specified in the login configuration for this particular login module.
    public void initialize(Subject newSubject, CallbackHandler newCallbackHandler, Map newSharedState, Map newOptions)
        // obtain the value for debug before anything else so that tracing can be used within         // this method         if (newOptions.containsKey("debug"))
            String debugEnabledString = (String) newOptions.get("debug");
            if (debugEnabledString != null && debugEnabledString.toLowerCase().equals("true"))
                debugEnabled = true;
 if (debugEnabled)
            debug("initialize() entry");
 // obtain the value for realm before anything else to see if this login module should 
 // only process a particular inbound realm or if it should process all realm. A null value 
 // singles all realms will be processed. 
 if (newOptions.containsKey("realm"))
            onlyThisRealm = (String) newOptions.get("realm");
     onlyThisRealm = onlyThisRealm.trim();

        // this login module is not going to use any of these objects except for the sharedState, 
        // but for consistency with most login modules, we will save a reference to all of them
        this.subject = newSubject;
        this.callbackHandler = newCallbackHandler;
        this.sharedState = newSharedState;
        this.options = newOptions;

        if (debugEnabled)
            debug(new Object[] { "initialize() exit", subject, callbackHandler, sharedState, options });

     * @return true if the authentication succeeded, or false      
     *         if this Login Module should be ignored
     * @exception LoginException
     *         if the authentication fails, which is impossible for this Login Module
    public boolean login() throws LoginException
        if (debugEnabled)
            debug("login() entry");

 // Handle the callback 
 javax.security.auth.callback.Callback callbacks[] = 
            new javax.security.auth.callback.Callback[1];
 callbacks[0] = new com.ibm.websphere.security.auth.callback.WSCredTokenCallbackImpl("");

 catch (Exception e)
      if (debugEnabled)
                 debug(new Object[] { "Caught exception in callbackhandler: ", e });
             return false;
 byte[] credToken = ((WSCredTokenCallbackImpl) callbacks[0]).getCredToken();
        String uid = null;
 String realm = null;
 String uniqueID = null;

 //This routine will only process a LTPA token. If there is no inbound token, 
 //then this routine will return true and allow the other LM should handle
 //this request  if (credToken != null)
   uniqueID = WSSecurityPropagationHelper.validateLTPAToken(credToken);
   realm = WSSecurityPropagationHelper.getRealmFromUniqueID (uniqueID);
                        uid = createSAFIdenityName (uniqueID);
   if (debugEnabled)
                            debug("using uniqueID: "+ uniqueID+ " inbound realm: "+ realm +
      "uid: " + uid );
  catch (Exception e)
     if (debugEnabled)
                       debug(new Object[] { "Caught exception in callbackhandler: ", e });
                   return false;
 else return true; // let the other LM handle this request. 

 //onlyThisRealm is a input property setting to see if we want this login module  //to handle only 1 inputed realm request. If onlyThisRealm is null, 
 //then we will process all request and continue on. If the onlyThisRealm does  //not match the inbound request extracted from LTPA, then we will let the other  //LM handle this request. 
 if ((onlyThisRealm != null) && (!realm.trim().equals(onlyThisRealm))) {
            if (debugEnabled)
                debug("inbound realm of "+realm+" does not match option realm of "+onlyThisRealm);
            return true;

 try {
     // Retrieves the default InitialContext for this server.
     javax.naming.InitialContext ctx = new javax.naming.InitialContext();

     // Retrieves the local UserRegistry object.
     com.ibm.websphere.security.UserRegistry reg = 
      (com.ibm.websphere.security.UserRegistry) ctx.lookup("UserRegistry");    

      // Retrieves the registry uniqueID based on the uid specified 
           // in the NameCallback.
    String uniqueid = reg.getUniqueUserId(uid);
    if (debugEnabled)
                debug("uniqueid "+uniqueid);
    // Retrieves the display name from the user registry based on the uniqueID.
    String securityName = reg.getUserSecurityName(uid);
    if (debugEnabled)
                debug("securityName "+securityName);
    // Retrieves the groups associated with this uniqueID.
    java.util.List groupList = reg.getUniqueGroupIds(uid);

       // Creates the java.util.Hashtable with the information that you gathered 
           // from the UserRegistry.
    // By setting this hashtable, the LTPA login module will propertly
    // setup the SAF Identity. 
       java.util.Hashtable hashtable = new java.util.Hashtable();
              WSCREDENTIAL_UNIQUEID, uniqueid);     
              WSCREDENTIAL_SECURITYNAME, securityName);
              WSCREDENTIAL_GROUPS, groupList);

    // Adds the hashtable to the shared state of the Subject.
              WSCREDENTIAL_PROPERTIES_KEY, hashtable);
 catch (Exception e)
    if (debugEnabled)
               debug(new Object[] { "Caught exception in callbackhandler: ", e });
    WSLoginFailedException e2 = new WSLoginFailedException("SampleLTPASAFMappingModule detected an error. "+e);
           throw e2;
        if (debugEnabled)
            debug("login() exit");
        return succeeded;

     * **Method to commit the authentication result.***
     * **
     * This Login Module does not need to commit any data, so we will simply return.
     * ***
     * @return true if the original login succeeded, or false      *         if the original login failed
     * @exception LoginException
     *         if the commit fails, which cannot happen in this Login Module
    public boolean commit() throws LoginException
        if (debugEnabled)
            debug("commit() entry");

        // the return value of commit() is the same as the success of the original login         boolean returnVal = succeeded;


        if (debugEnabled)
            debug("commit() exit");
        return returnVal;

     * **Method to abort the authentication process (Phase 2).***
     * **
     * No matter whether our original login succeeded or failed, this method cleans up
     * our state and returns.
     * ***
     * @return true if the original login succeeded, or false      *         if the original login failed
     * @exception LoginException
     *         if the abort fails, which cannot happen in this Login Module
    public boolean abort() throws LoginException
        if (debugEnabled)
            debug("abort() entry");

        // the return value of abort() is the same as the success of the original login         boolean returnVal = succeeded;


        if (debugEnabled)
            debug("abort() exit");
        return returnVal;

     * **Method which logs out a Subject.***
     * **
     * Since our commit method did not modify the Subject, we don't have anything to      * logout or clean up and can just return true.
     * ***
     * @return true if the logout succeeded
     * @exception LoginException
     *         if the logout fails, which cannot happen in the Login Module
    public boolean logout() throws LoginException
        if (debugEnabled)
            debug("logout() entry");

        // our local variables were cleanup up during the commit, so no further cleanup is needed 
        if (debugEnabled)
            debug("logout() exit");

        // since there is nothing to logout, we always succeed
        return true;

     * **
     * Cleans up our local variables; the only cleanup  required for      * this Login Module is to set our success variable back to false.
     * ***
    private void cleanup()
        if (debugEnabled)
            debug("cleanup() entry");

        // there's nothing to cleanup, really, so just reset our success variable
        succeeded = false;

        if (debugEnabled)
            debug("cleanup() exit");

     * **
     * Private method to print trace information.  This implementation uses System.out
     * to print trace information to standard output, but a custom tracing system can      * be implemented here as well.
     * ***
    private void debug(Object o)
        System.out.println("Debug: " + MAPPING_MODULE_NAME);
        if (o != null)
            if (o.getClass().isArray())
                int length = Array.getLength(o);
                for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                    System.out.println("\t" + Array.get(o, i));
                System.out.println("\t" + o);
     * **
     * TODO
     * Private method to generate the SAF Idenity from the LDAP identity. This routine may      * need to be modify by the installation standards to extract the SAF Idenity from      * the LDAP IDentity. OR this routine could be written to map the LDAP to SAF identity.
     * ***
    private String createSAFIdenityName(String name)
        if (debugEnabled)
            debug("createSAFIdenityName() entry");

        if (debugEnabled)
            debug("Using name='" + name + "' from principal");

        name = name.toUpperCase();
        int index = name.indexOf("/") + 1; // index of the first character after the first /
        if (index >= name.length())
            // this block handles the case where the first / is the last character in the String, 
            // it really shouldn't happen, but if it does we can just strip it off
            name = name.substring(0, index - 1);

            if (debugEnabled)
                debug("Stripping trailing / from name");
            // index is either 0 (if no / exists in the name), or it is the position
            // after the first / in the name             //
            // either way, we will take the substring from that point until the end of the string             
            name = name.substring(index);
        if (name.indexOf("CN=") >= 0) 
         name = name.substring((name.indexOf("CN=")+3),name.length());
        if (name.indexOf(",") > 0)
            name = name.substring(0,name.indexOf(","));
        // shorten the name if its length exceeds the defined maximum         
        if (name.length() > MAXIMUM_NAME_LENGTH)
            name = name.substring(0, MAXIMUM_NAME_LENGTH);

            if (debugEnabled)
                debug("WSPrincipal name shortened to " + name);

        if (debugEnabled)
            debug("createSAFIdenityName() exit");
        return name; //return a SAF Idenity Name

The sample mapping module creates a mapping from an RMI inbound request with LDAP credentials to SAF identity. This module can be customized to perform the mapping.

Related tasks

  • Develop programmatic logins with the Java Authentication and Authorization Service
  • Writing a custom System Authorization Facility (SAF) mapping module with non-local operating system
  • Configure a custom System Authorization Facility mapping module for WebSphere Application Server
  • Develop custom login modules for a system login configuration for JAAS