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A subquery can be used in quantified predicates, the EXISTS predicate, or the IN predicate. A subquery should only specify a single element in the SELECT clause.

When a path expression appears in a subquery, the identification variable of the path expression must be defined either in the subquery, in one of the containing subqueries, or in the outer query. A scalar subquery is a subquery that returns one value. A scalar subquery can be used in a basic predicate and in the SELECT clause of a dynamic query.

Example: Subqueries

The previous query returns employees who earn more than average salary of all employees.

The previous query returns employees who earn more than average salary of their department.

The previous query returns employees who earn the most in their department.

WHERE e.salary > ( SELECT AVG(e.salary) FROM EmpBean e1  WHERE YEAR(e1.hireDate) =  YEAR(e.hireDate)  )

The previous query returns employees who earn more than the average of employees hired in same year.

Related concepts

  • EJB query language

    Related tasks

  • Use EJB query