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Portlet aggregation using JSP

The aggregation tag library generates a portlet aggregation framework to address one or more portlets on one page If we write JSP, we can aggregate multiple portlets on one page using the aggregation tag library. This tag library does not provide full featured portal aggregation implementation, but provides a good migration scenario if you already have aggregating servlets and JSP and want to switch to portlets.

To allow the customer to create a simple portal aggregation, the aggregation tag library also provides the following features.

The aggregation tag library and JSP that use the aggregation tag library will only work with the WAS portlet container implementation because the protocol between the tags and the container is not standardized.

The following diagram depicts how an HTML page would look like and what tags are used in order to create the page.

Refer to the Aggregation tag library attributes article for information on the aggregation tag library attributes.

When you use the aggregation tag library, set the portletUrlPrefix attribute of the init tag to the aggregating application. You need to:

When aggregating multiple portlets on a single page, special care must be used with the naming conventions of form attribute names in our portlets. Because the portlets are all on the same page, they all share the same HttpServletRequest. When one portlet is viewed the entire page is refreshed and form data is re-posted. If there are multiple portlets that are aggregated on a single page with the same form attribute names, there could be logic corruption when form data is re-posted.


Related tasks

  • Task overview: Managing portlets

  • Portlet container settings