Configuring XML encryption for Version 5.x web services with the administrative console
XML encryption is one method that WebSphere Application Server provides to secure web services. Use XML encryption in conjunction with XML digital signature to scramble the content while verifying the authenticity of the message sender. Using XML encryption, we can encrypt an XML element, the content of an XML element, or arbitrary data such as an XML document.
- Login bindings configuration settings
Use this page to specify the JAAS login configuration settings used to validate security tokens within incoming messages.
- Request sender binding collection
Use this page to specify the binding configuration to send request messages for Web Services Security.
- Request receiver binding collection
Use this page to specify the binding configuration to receive request messages for Web Services Security.
- Response sender binding collection
Use this page to specify the binding configuration for sender response messages for Web Services Security.
- Response receiver binding collection
Use this page to specify the binding configuration for receiver response messages for Web Services Security.
- Configure pluggable tokens using the administrative console
We can configure the client-side request sender (ibm-webservicesclient-bnd.xmi file) or server-side request receiver (ibm-webservices-bnd.xmi file) using the WAS administrative console.