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File store [Settings]

The persistent store for messages and other state managed by the messaging engine.

To view this page in the console, click the following path:

  • Service integration -> Buses -> bus_name -> [Topology] Messaging engines -> engine_name -> [Additional Properties] Message store.

    If we make any changes to the properties of a file store, you must restart the messaging engine to make those changes take effect.

    For more information on the log file, permanent store file, and temporary store file and appropriate parameter values refer to Hints and tips for configuring file store size.

    Configuration tab

    The Configuration tab shows configuration properties for this object. These property values are preserved even if the runtime environment is stopped then restarted. See the information center task descriptions for information about how to apply configuration changes to the runtime environment.

    General Properties


    The universal unique identifier assigned by the system to this data store for administrative purposes.

    Information Value
    Required No
    Data type String

    Log size

    Size in megabytes of the log file.

    Information Value
    Required Yes
    Data type Long
    Range 10 through 9223372036854775807

    Log directory path

    Name of the log files directory.

    When creating a messaging engine with a file store, we can select the Default log directory path radio button for this property. This option causes, the following default directory value to be used: ${USER_INSTALL_ROOT}/filestores/com.ibm.ws.sib/messagingEngineName-messagingEngineUuid/log where messagingEngineName and messagingEngineUuid are substituted from the Name and UUID properties of the messaging engine.

    After we have created the file store, the Log directory path field displays the directory path used for log files.

    Important: When adding a cluster as a bus member, configure the log file to be on a file system that is accessible to all members of a cluster.

    Information Value
    Required No
    Data type Text

    Minimum permanent store size

    The minimum number of megabytes reserved by each of the permanent store files. The permanent store files are never smaller than the log file.

    For more information about the store files and appropriate values for the log file parameters refer to Hints and tips for configuring file store size.

    Information Value
    Required Yes
    Data type Long
    Range 0 through 9223372036854775807

    Unlimited permanent store size

    Indicates whether the permanent store files are unlimited in size.

    Information Value
    Required No
    Data type Custom

    Maximum permanent store size

    The maximum size in megabytes for the permanent store files.

    Information Value
    Required Yes
    Data type Long
    Range 50 through 9223372036854775807

    Permanent store directory path

    Name of the permanent store files directory.

    When creating a messaging engine with a file store, we can specify a non-default directory to be used for permanent store files. To do this, select the Permanent store directory path radio button, then type a directory path value in the field provided.

    When creating a messaging engine with a file store, we can select the Default permanent store directory path radio button for this property. This option causes the following default directory value to be used: ${USER_INSTALL_ROOT}/filestores/com.ibm.ws.sib/messagingEngineName-messagingEngineUuid/store where messagingEngineName and messagingEngineUuid are substituted from the Name and UUID properties of the messaging engine.

    After we have created the file store, the Permanent store directory path field displays the directory path used for permanent store files.

    Important: When adding a cluster as a bus member, configure the permanent store file to be on a file system that is accessible to all members of a cluster.

    Information Value
    Required No
    Data type Text

    Minimum temporary store size

    The minimum number of megabytes reserved by each of the temporary store files. The temporary store files are never smaller than the log file.

    Information Value
    Required Yes
    Data type Long
    Range 0 through 9223372036854775807

    Unlimited temporary store size

    Indicates whether the temporary store files are unlimited in size.

    Information Value
    Required No
    Data type Boolean

    Maximum temporary store size

    The maximum size in megabytes for the temporary store files.

    Information Value
    Required Yes
    Data type Long
    Range 50 through 9223372036854775807

    Temporary store directory path

    Name of the temporary store files directory.

    When creating a messaging engine with a file store, we can specify a non-default directory to be used for temporary store files. To do this, select the Temporary store directory path radio button, then type a directory path value in the field provided.

    When creating a messaging engine with a file store, we can select the Default temporary store directory path radio button for this property. This option causes the following default directory value to be used: ${USER_INSTALL_ROOT}/filestores/com.ibm.ws.sib/messagingEngineName-messagingEngineUuid/store where messagingEngineName and messagingEngineUuid are substituted from the Name and UUID properties of the messaging engine.

    After we have created the file store, the Temporary store directory path field displays the directory path used for temporary store files.

    Important: When adding a cluster as a bus member, configure the temporary store file to be on a file system that is accessible to all members of a cluster.

    Information Value
    Required No
    Data type Text

    Related concepts

  • File stores

  • Hints and tips for configuring file store size

    Related tasks

  • Modify file store configuration

  • Configure file store attributes for a messaging engine

  • Configure the members of a bus

    Related information:

  • Administrative console buttons

  • Administrative console preference settings Reference topic