Develop JAX-RPC web services with WSDL files (top-down)
- Set up a development environment for web services
The application server provides command-line tools to develop web services clients and implementations based on the Web Services for Java EE specification. Set up your development environment before you start developing web services.
- Develop Java artifacts for JAX-RPC applications from a WSDL file
We can develop Java artifacts from a WSDL file for JAX-RPC applications from a WSDL file using the WSDL2Java command-line tool to create Java implementation templates and bindings.
- Develop EJB implementation templates and bindings from a WSDL file for JAX-RPC web services
We can develop EJB implementation deployment descriptor templates and bindings from a WSDL file for a JAX-RPC application.
- Complete the JavaBeans implementation for JAX-RPC applications
After we have developed the Java artifacts necessary to develop a JAX-RPC web service, you must complete the JavaBeans implementation to assemble a JAR file or a WAR file based on the programming model. The resulting JAR file or WAR file contains the JavaBeans implementation and the supported classes created from the tooling.
- Complete the EJB implementation for JAX-RPC applications
After we have developed the Java artifacts necessary to develop a JAX-RPC web service, you must complete the EJB implementation to assemble a JAR file or a WAR file based on the programming model. The resulting JAR file or WAR file contains the EJB implementation and the supported classes created from the tooling.
- Configure webservices.xml for JAX-RPC web services
We can configure webservices.xml with an assembly tool.
- Configure webservices.xml for handler classes
We can use an assembly tool to configure webservices.xml for user-provided handler classes.
- Configure the ibm-webservices-bnd.xmi deployment descriptor for JAX-RPC web services
Use assembly tools to configure the ibm-webservices-bnd.xml deployment descriptor. This file stores binding information that is associated with the endpoints defined with webservices.xml file.