Dynamic caching
This page provides a starting point for finding information about the dynamic cache service, which improves performance by caching the output of servlets, commands, web services, and JSPs (JSP) files.
Dynamic caching features include replication of cache entries, cache disk offload, Edge-Side Include caching, web services, and external caching. Use external caching to control caches outside of the application server.
- Disk cache infrastructure enhancements
Several performance enhancements are available for the dynamic cache service.
- Eviction policies using the disk cache garbage collector
The disk cache garbage collector is responsible for evicting objects out of the disk cache, based on a specified eviction policy.
- Example: Caching web services
We can build a set of cache policies and SOAP messages for a web services application.
- Caching with Servlet 3.0
Dynamic cache provides servlet caching support for the Servlet 3.0 specification.
Related information:
End-to-end paths for Dynamic caching
Troubleshooting Dynamic caching