End-to-end paths for ActivitySessions
This page provides a starting point for finding information about ActivitySessions, a WebSphere extension for reducing the complexity of commitment rules and limitations associated with one-phase commit resources.
Use ActivitySessions to extend the scope and group multiple local transactions. With this capability, we can commit these transactions based on either deployment criteria or through explicit program logic.
- Use the ActivitySession service
We can implement WebSphere enterprise applications that use ActivitySessions. The ActivitySession service provides an alternative unit-of-work scope to the scope provided by global transaction contexts.
- The ActivitySession service
The ActivitySession service provides an alternative unit-of-work (UOW) scope to that provided by global transaction contexts. An ActivitySession context can be longer-lived than a global transaction context and can encapsulate global transactions.
- Develop an enterprise application to use ActivitySessions
This topic provides an overview of the high-level tasks for using ActivitySessions in enterprise applications.
- Assemble applications that use ActivitySessions
We can set the ActivitySession deployment attributes for an enterprise bean or a Web application.
- Administer applications that use ActivitySessions
We can enable or disable the ActivitySession service, and configure the default ActivitySession timeout for an application server.
- Troubleshooting ActivitySessions
Use this overview task to help resolve a problem that you think is related to the ActivitySession service.
Related information:
Troubleshooting ActivitySessions