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JavaMail API

The JavaMail APIs provide a framework that is platform and protocol independent for building mail client applications based on Java. The JavaMail APIs are generic for sending and reading mail. They require service providers, known in the application server as protocol providers, to interact with mail servers that run on pertaining protocols. For example, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is a popular transport protocol for sending mail. Mail applications can connect to an SMTP server and send mail through it by using this SMTP protocol provider.

The application server supports the JavaMail API, Version 1.4. In the application server, the JavaMail API is supported in all web application components, namely:

In addition to service providers, the JavaMail API requires the Java Activation Framework (JAF) to handle mail content that is not plain text, including MIME, URL pages, and file attachments.

The JavaMail APIs, the JAF, the service providers, and the protocols are shipped as part of the application server. The API and related specifications are repackaged from materials that are licensed.

Avoid trouble: If we are using Java 5 to run the code, you will need the JAF 1.1 package. For Java 6 and later, the JAF package is part of the run time environment.gotcha