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SSL transport security settings

Use this page to define the secure sockets layer (SSL) transport policy binding configuration.

  1. Navigate to the general bindings collection page by clicking either Services > Policy sets > General client policy set bindings or Services > Policy sets > General provider policy set bindings path.

  2. Click a general binding in the Name column.

  3. Click the SSL transport policy in the Policies table.

This administrative console page applies only to JAX-WS applications.

Outbound service requests - SSL settings

SSL security transport binding that is enabled for outbound service requests when the client sends out requests. The default value for this field is CellDefaultSSLSettings.

Outbound service requests - SSL properties file path

File path of the SSL properties file that is enabled for outbound service requests. Enter the location of the SSL properties file to enable for outbound service requests.

Inbound service responses - SSL settings

SSL security transport binding that is enabled for inbound service responses when the client receives responses. The default value for this field is CellDefaultSSLSettings.

Inbound service responses - SSL properties file path

SSL security transport binding that is enabled for inbound service responses. Enter the location of the SSL properties file to enable for inbound service responses.

Outbound asynchronous service responses - SSL settings

SSL security transport binding that is enabled for asynchronous service responses when the service or server sends back the response. The default value for this field is CellDefaultSSLSettings.

Outbound asynchronous service responses - SSL properties file path

Path of the SSL properties file that is enabled for asynchronous service responses. Enter the location of the SSL properties file to enable for asynchronous service responses.

Outbound asynchronous service responses - Custom properties

Name and value pair defined for the outbound asynchronous service responses. Click New to add a new custom property, or click Delete to delete an existing SSL custom property.

Related tasks

  • Manage policy sets using the administrative console

  • SSL transport security policy settings
  • Application policy sets collection
  • Application policy set settings
  • Service client policy set and bindings collection
  • Service provider policy sets and bindings collection