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Request or Response token policies collection

Use this page to define policies that specify supporting security tokens and properties.

To view this administrative console page, complete the following:

  1. Click Services > Policy sets > Application policy sets > policy_set_name.

  2. Click the WS-Security policy in the policies table.

  3. Click the Main policy link or the Bootstrap policy link.

  4. Click Request token policies or Response token policies from the Policy Details section.

Depending on the assigned security role when security is enabled, you might not have access to text entry fields or buttons to create or edit configuration data. Review the administrative roles documentation to learn more about the valid roles for the application server.


Add a token from a list of supported token types. We can only add a token to a custom policy set.

This option provides the following supported token types:

To change the settings for a token after adding it, click the token identifier name in the table.


Removes the selected token name. This action is only available for a custom policy set.

Token Identifier

Name of the token.


Token type in the Supported token types table. This list displays a token type for each token name in the list.


Version of the token in the Supported token types table. This list displays the version of each token in the list.


Related tasks

  • Manage policy sets using the administrative console

  • Token type settings
  • Application policy sets collection
  • Application policy set settings
  • Service client policy set and bindings collection
  • Service provider policy sets and bindings collection
  • Administrative roles