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Message part protection settings

Use this page to define the message parts we want protected and how that protection is provided.

To view this administrative console page...

  1. Click Services > Policy sets > Application policy sets >policy_set_name.

  2. Click the WS-Security policy in the Policies table.

  3. Click the Main policy link or the Bootstrap policy link.

  4. Click the Request message part protection link or the Response message part protection link from the Message Part Protection section.

Integrity protection - Signed parts

Signed parts that we have added for message integrity protection. We can select parts to edit or delete, or add new signed parts.

Button Resulting action
Add Specifies each element of a new signed part and to add those elements to the Signed parts listing.
Edit Loads the specific part you selected for editing.
Delete Removes the selected signed part from the list.

Confidentiality protection - Encrypted parts

Encrypted parts that have been added for message confidentiality protection. We can select parts to edit or delete, or add new encrypted parts.

Button Resulting action
Add Enables you to specify each of the elements of a new encrypted part and to add those elements to the Encrypted parts listing.
Edit Loads the specific part you selected for editing.
Delete Removes the selected encrypted part from the list.

Related tasks

  • Configure the WS-Security policy
  • Manage policy sets using the administrative console

  • Application policy sets collection
  • Application policy set settings