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HTTP transport bindings settings

Use this page to define the HTTP transport bindings for the HTTP transport policy.

To configure the HTTP transport bindings for the HTTP transport policy, perform the following:

  1. Navigate to the general bindings collection panel using either the Services > Policy sets > General client policy set bindings or Services > Policy sets > General provider policy set bindings path.

  2. Click a general binding in the Name column.

  3. Click the HTTP transport policy in the Policies table.

This administrative console page applies only to JAX-WS applications.

Important: We can also configure HTTP transport properties such as read or write timeout values for JAX-WS applications that are deployed in the same application server. To customize these HTTP properties, you must edit the HTTP transport policy. To customize the HTTP transport policy settings, click Services > Policy sets > Application policy sets >policy_set_name>HTTP transport policy where policy_set_name applies to any policy set containing the HTTP transport policy. Your customized values for the HTTP transport policy now apply for the policy set containing that custom HTTP transport policy. We can attach this policy set containing the customized HTTP transport policy to the application, its services, endpoints, or operations. This change affects all JAX-WS applications to which that policy set is attached. To learn more about attaching policy sets to applications, see the documentation for managing policy sets for service providers and service clients at the application level.

Proxy for outbound service requests - Host

Host name for the outbound service request proxy. In this field, we can change the name of the host if you are editing an existing set of application specific bindings or we can enter the host name for the outbound service request proxy.

Proxy for outbound service requests - Port

Port number for the outbound service request proxy. We can edit an existing port number, or enter a new port number for the outbound service request proxy in this field.

Proxy for outbound service requests - User name

User name for the outbound service request proxy. Enter a user name in this field.

Proxy for outbound service requests - Password

Specifies a placeholder for the outbound service request proxy password. The actual password is masked.

Proxy for outbound service requests - Confirm password

Specifies a placeholder for the outbound service request proxy password. Re-enter the password you entered in the Password field. The actual password is masked.

Basic authentication for outbound service requests - User name

User name for basic authentication of outbound service requests. Enter or edit the user name.

Basic authentication for outbound service requests - Password

Specifies a placeholder for basic authentication of outbound service requests password. The actual password is masked.

Basic authentication for outbound service requests - Confirm password

Specifies a placeholder for basic authentication of outbound service requests password. Re-enter the same password as in the Password field. The actual password is masked.

Proxy for outbound asynchronous service responses - Host

Host name for the outbound asynchronous service responses proxy. We can enter or edit the host name.

Proxy for outbound asynchronous service responses - Port

Port number for the outbound asynchronous service responses proxy. We can enter or edit the port number.

Proxy for outbound asynchronous service responses - User name

User name for the outbound asynchronous service responses proxy. We can enter or edit the user name.

Proxy for outbound asynchronous service responses - Password

Specifies a placeholder for the outbound asynchronous service responses proxy password. We can enter or edit the password. The actual password is masked.

Proxy for outbound asynchronous service responses - Confirm password

Specifies a placeholder for the outbound asynchronous service responses proxy password. We can re-enter or edit the password. The actual password is masked.

Basic authentication for outbound asynchronous service responses - User name

User name for basic authentication of outbound asynchronous responses. We can enter or edit the user name.

Basic authentication for outbound asynchronous service responses - Password

Specifies a placeholder for basic authentication of outbound asynchronous responses password. We can enter or edit the password in this field. The actual password is masked.

Basic authentication for outbound asynchronous service responses - Confirm password

Specifies a placeholder for basic authentication of outbound asynchronous responses password. Re-enter the password in this field. The actual password is masked.

Custom Properties - Name

Name of custom property. Custom properties are not initially displayed in this column until you define them.

Custom Properties - Value

Value of the custom property. With the Value entry field, we can enter, edit, or delete the value for a custom property.

Click one of the following buttons to enable the action described:

Button Resulting action
New Creates a new custom property entry. To add a custom property, enter the name and value.
Delete Removes the selected custom property.
Edit We can edit a selected custom property. It is only displayed when one or more properties exist.

Related tasks

  • Configure the HTTP transport policy
  • Manage policy sets and bindings for service providers at the application level using the administrative console
  • Manage policy sets and bindings for service clients at the application level using the administrative console

  • HTTP transport policy settings
  • Application policy sets collection
  • Application policy set settings
  • Service client policy set and bindings collection
  • Service provider policy sets and bindings collection