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Service clients collection at the application level

Use this page to view and manage service clients at the application level.

To view this administrative console page, click Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications > Service_client_application_instance > Service client.


Name of the service client. The service QName, Java class javax.xml.namespace.QName, is displayed when you hover the mouse pointer over the Name field. If a web services reference has been defined for a service client, the Name field contains the name of the service reference under the corresponding service client. The full name of the service reference in name-value pair format is displayed when you hover the mouse pointer over the Name field.


Type of service such as a JAX-WS web service. We can filter by the type of service.


Name of the module containing the service. Selecting a module name accesses the module detail page.

Related tasks

  • View service clients at the application level using the administrative console
  • View service providers at the application level using the administrative console
  • View service providers at the cell level using the administrative console
  • View service clients at the cell level using the administrative console

  • Service providers collection at the application level
  • Service client collection at the cell level
  • Service providers collection at the cell level
  • Service client settings