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Memory-to-memory replication settings

Use this page to configure memory-to-memory sessions for failure recovery.

To view the Memory-to-memory sessions page, click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_name > Session management > Distributed environment settings > Memory-to-memory replication.

The memory-to-memory replication settings can be overridden at the application level.

Replication domain

Replication domain in which HTTP sessions are replicated.

Replication mode

Mode used for replication. The mode specifies whether data is only sent (client), only received (server), or both. Select client if sessions need to be replicated. Select server if sessions need to be stored. Select both client and server if sessions need to be replicated and stored. The default is both.

Related concepts

  • Memory-to-memory replication

    Related tasks

  • Configure session management by level
  • Configure memory-to-memory replication for the peer-to-peer mode (default memory-to-memory replication)
  • Configure memory-to-memory replication for the client/server mode