Save changes to the master repository
Use this topic to update the master repository with your administrative console changes, to discard the administrative console changes and continue working with the master repository, or to continue working with the administrative console changes that are not saved to the master repository.
Until you save changes to the master repository, the administrative console uses a local workspace to track the changes.
Total changed documents
Total number of documents that you changed for your session, but that are not saved to the master repository. By clicking the +/- toggle key, we can see additional information about the changed documents:
- Changed items
When you change the local configuration, each path and configuration file that we can apply the update to in the master repository is displayed in the list.
- Status
The status can contain the following options:
- Added: If we save the changes to the master repository, a new configuration file is created on the indicated path.
- Updated: If we save the changes to the master repository, an existing configuration file is updated on the indicated path.
- Deleted: If we save the changes to the master repository, an existing configuration file is deleted on the indicated path.
Synchronize changes with nodes
Whether to force node synchronization at the time that you save the changes to the master repository, rather than when node synchronization normally occurs.
Save conflict
Specifies that another user changed some configuration information since you began making changes. We can either click Save to overwrite the other user information, or Discard to discard your changes and keep the changes that the other user made.
Related tasks
Start and logging off the administrative console
Administrative console buttons