Configure new data source providers (JDBC providers) for application clients
We can create new data source providers, also known as JDBC providers, for the application client using the Application Client Resource Configuration Tool (ACRCT).
During this task, we create new data source providers, also known as JDBC providers, for the application client. In a separate administrative task, install the Java code for the required data source provider on the client machine on which the application client resides.
Use this task to connect application clients to relational databases.
- Start the Application Client Resource Configuration Tool (ACRCT) and open the EAR file for which to configure the new data source provider. The EAR file contents display in a tree view.
- Select the JAR file in which to configure the new data source provider from the tree.
- Expand the JAR file to view its contents.
- Click the Data Source Providers folder. Do one of the following:
- Right-click the folder and click New Provider.
- Click Edit > New on the menu bar.
- Configure the data source provider properties in the resulting property dialog.
- Click OK when you finish.
- Click File > Save on the menu bar to save the changes.
We can configure data source provider and data source settings.
The following code examples illustrates how to use configure data source provider and data source settings:
<resources.jdbc:JDBCProvider xmi:id="JDBCProvider_1" name="jdbcProvider:name" description="jdbcProvider:description" implementationClassName="jdbcProvider: ImplementationClass"> <classpath>jdbcProvider:classPath</classpath> <factories xmi:type="resources.jdbc:WAS40DataSource" xmi:id="WAS40DataSource_1" name="jdbcFactory:name" jndiName="jdbcFactory:jndiName" description="jdbcFactory:description" databaseName="jdbcFactory:databasename"> <propertySet xmi:id="J2EEResourcePropertySet_13"> <resourceProperties xmi:id="J2EEResourceProperty_13" name="jdbcFactory:customName" value="jdbcFactory:customValue"/> <resourceProperties xmi:id="J2EEResourceProperty_14" name="user" value="jdbcFactory:user"/> <resourceProperties xmi:id="J2EEResourceProperty_15" name="password" value="{xor}NTs9PBk+PCswLSZlMT4yOg=="/> </propertySet> </factories> <propertySet xmi:id="J2EEResourcePropertySet_14"> <resourceProperties xmi:id="J2EEResourceProperty_16" name="jdbcProvider:customName" value="jdbcProvider:customeValue"/> </propertySet> </resources.jdbc:JDBCProvider>
- Required fields:
- Data Source Provider Properties page: name
- Data Source Properties page: name, jndiName
- Special cases:
- The user name and password fields have no equivalent XMI tags. Specify these fields in the custom properties.
- The password is encrypted when you use the Application Client Resource Configuration Tool (ACRCT). If we do not use the ACRCT the field cannot be encrypted.
- Example: Configure data source provider and data source settings
We can configure data source provider and data source settings.
- Data source provider settings for application clients
Use this page to create a data source under a JDBC provider which provides the specific JDBC driver implementation class.
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Use application clients