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Asynchronous messaging in WebSphere Application Server using JMS

WebSphere Application Server supports asynchronous messaging as a method of communication based on the Java Message Service (JMS) programming interface. The JMS interface provides a common way for Java programs (clients and Java EE applications) to create, send, receive, and read asynchronous requests as JMS messages.

The base support for asynchronous messaging using the JMS API provides the common set of JMS interfaces and associated semantics that define how a JMS client can access the facilities of a JMS provider. This support enables WebSphere product Java EE applications, as JMS clients, to exchange messages asynchronously with other JMS clients, by using JMS destinations (queues or topics). A Java EE application can use JMS queue destinations for point-to-point messaging and JMS topic destinations for publish and subscribe messaging. A Java EE application can explicitly poll for messages on a destination, and then retrieve messages for processing by business logic beans (enterprise beans).

With the base JMS and XA support, the Java EE application uses standard JMS calls to process messages, including any responses or outbound messaging. An enterprise bean can handle responses acting as a sender bean, or within the enterprise bean that receives the incoming messages. Optionally, this process can use two-phase commit within the scope of a transaction. This level of function for asynchronous messaging is called bean-managed messaging, and gives an enterprise bean complete control over the messaging infrastructure, for example, connection and session pool management. The common container has no role in bean-managed messaging.

WebSphere Application Server also supports automatic asynchronous messaging using message-driven beans (a type of enterprise bean defined in the EJB 2.0 specification) and JMS listeners (part of the JMS application server facilities). Messages are automatically retrieved from JMS destinations, optionally within a transaction, then sent to the message-driven bean in a Java EE application, without the application having to explicitly poll JMS destinations.

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  • Use application clients